getdave / Tanlinell

Boilerplate Wordpress theme for rapid development of new WP themes. Based on the great work of the _s ("Underscore") theme.
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Breadcrumbs path not full #238

Closed getdave closed 10 years ago

getdave commented 10 years ago

The way WP handles permalinks means that on taxonomy archive templates the base is sometimes missing.

Example is News. If you are on news then the url is /news/. If you go into a story then the url looses the /news/ base and applies the category as the base of the slug (eg: /my-category/my-article/.

@jonbolton feels it should be more along the lines of


Investigate how difficult this might be to achieve.

neilberry001 commented 10 years ago

In order to achieve the necessary structure for url's we will need to adopt the MX Vice structure pattern, where news/blog is a parent category with multiple children and sections are created same level parents, like 'features'. Default permalink setting is '/%category%/%postname%/'.

This would allow for posts that were tagged as 'News' and or a sub category of news to have the desired structure.

However this is only 100% achievable if a post were not to span across parent categories/sections i.e if a post is in features and news

The only way we can have ultimate control is via a plugin which requires intial configuration and potentially ongoing management. This plugin or similar should be tested as this could allow us for a much better url structure than wp sites currently have had to endure. WP has massive shortcomings in this area so if we can mitigate via config plugin, happy to do so.

getdave commented 10 years ago

Ok thanks for the detailed explanation. Given that this isn't easily achievable without messing with the defaults of WP I suggest we do not include it as default behaviour.

I also understand there may be SEO benefits derived from having shorter urls and thus perhaps it's not such a big deal if "news" is omitted from the slug.