getdnsapi / getdns-python-bindings

Python bindings for getdns
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DNSSEC validation of CNAME records is incorrect #33

Open simsong opened 8 years ago

simsong commented 8 years ago

It seems that DNSSEC lookups of CNAME records that are digitally signed are turning the value BOGUS.

Consider this example program, which performs a RRTYPE_A and then an RRTYPE_CNAME lookup of and prints all of the responses:

import getdns
extensions = {"dnssec_return_validation_chain" : getdns.EXTENSION_TRUE}
dnssec_status = {getdns.DNSSEC_SECURE:"SECURE",

rtype = {getdns.RRTYPE_A:"A",

print dnssec_status
#extensions = {}
if __name__=="__main__":
    ctx = getdns.Context()
    for request_type in [getdns.RRTYPE_A, getdns.RRTYPE_CNAME]:
        print "hostname:",hostname,"  request_type:",rtype[request_type]
        results = ctx.general(name=hostname,request_type=request_type,extensions=extensions)
        for reply in results.replies_tree:
            for a in reply['answer']:
                dstat = reply.get('dnssec_status')
                print "request type:",a['type'],rtype[a['type']]
                print "dnssec:",dstat,dnssec_status[dstat]
                print "answer:",a
                print "---"
            print "====================="

Here is the execution:

$ python2.7
{400: 'SECURE', 401: 'BOGUS', 402: 'INDETERMINATE', 403: 'INSECURE', None: ''}
hostname:   request_type: A
request type: 5 CNAME
dnssec: 400 SECURE
answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbdbc0, size 10 at 0x7f7ec1cc2070>, 'cname': ''}, 'type': 5, 'class': 1, 'name': ''}

request type: 46 RRSIG
dnssec: 400 SECURE
answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1442200767, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 5, 'labels': 3, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe120, size 156 at 0x7f7ec1cc20b0>, 'key_tag': 43607, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe1d0, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1cc20f0>, 'original_ttl': 1800, 'signature_inception': 1441594728}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''}

request type: 1 A
dnssec: 400 SECURE
answer: {'ttl': 30, 'rdata': {'ipv4_address': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe8d0, size 4 at 0x7f7ec1cc2130>, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe8f0, size 4 at 0x7f7ec1cc2170>}, 'type': 1, 'class': 1, 'name': ''}

request type: 46 RRSIG
dnssec: 400 SECURE
answer: {'ttl': 30, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1441871741, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 1, 'labels': 4, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbee50, size 160 at 0x7f7ec1cc21b0>, 'key_tag': 56900, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbef00, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1cc21f0>, 'original_ttl': 30, 'signature_inception': 1441266941}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''}

request type: 46 RRSIG
dnssec: 400 SECURE
answer: {'ttl': 30, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1442078767, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 1, 'labels': 4, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbf800, size 160 at 0x7f7ec1cc2230>, 'key_tag': 31787, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbf8b0, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1cc2270>, 'original_ttl': 30, 'signature_inception': 1441473967}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''}

hostname:   request_type: CNAME
request type: 5 CNAME
dnssec: 401 BOGUS
answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdf2240, size 10 at 0x7f7ec1ccab30>, 'cname': ''}, 'type': 5, 'class': 1, 'name': ''}

request type: 46 RRSIG
dnssec: 401 BOGUS
answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1442200767, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 5, 'labels': 3, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdf27a0, size 156 at 0x7f7ec1ccab70>, 'key_tag': 43607, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdf2850, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1ccabb0>, 'original_ttl': 1800, 'signature_inception': 1441594728}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''}


As you can see, it says that the results of the A lookups are secure, but the result of the CNAME lookup is bogus.

However, when I use dig, I am told that the CNAME lookup is properly signed:

$ dig @ -t cname +dnssec

; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.30.rc1.38.amzn1 <<>> @ -t cname +dnssec
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 30092
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 512
;          IN  CNAME

;; ANSWER SECTION:       1286    IN  CNAME       1286    IN  RRSIG   CNAME 7 3 1800 20150914031927 20150907025848 43607 Bqqs7Jgv8yGh0jN5Cmwkyj1PRGAyEdCh3uns3TcPcT1ix6mbN5u1TNHO 8LM/gUTGPYNOPEKdY02zPHIVF3DVoj7HjkoSWZ3njO091A75ZuQM+HEq S7zLR8HPn1KOZCaL3YcqNA0CXlDITFdEzeTa0UuiT31dHq8oihme47as SW4=

;; Query time: 10 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Sep  7 21:18:12 2015
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 231
wtoorop commented 8 years ago

Thank you Simson!

This is indeed a bug in getdns' native DNSSEC validation code. Note that the status will report secure when you will use only the dnssec_return_status extension (and not the dnssec_return_validation_chain extension) in full recursive resolution mode. Also, the CNAME is assessed SECURE when not queried directly (for example via the A query in your script).

I haven't looked deeply into it yet, but I strongly suspect that the native DNSSEC validation code is blindly following the CNAME and in response to the direct CNAME query combined with the detection of the CNAME redirection, wants to validate an answer for request type CNAME.

This bug is triggered only when querying directly for CNAME in stub mode, or when using the dnssec_return_validation_chain extension. Also the getdns_dnssec_validate() function will be affected. Indirect queries for CNAMEs will never be affected.

I will write a patch ASAP and consult with my fellow developers how to proceed (i.e. decide whether we need an emergency release or not).

Thank you very much for finding and reporting this! Much appreciated!

-- Willem Toorop

Op 07-09-15 om 23:18 schreef Simson L. Garfinkel:

It seems that DNSSEC lookups of CNAME records that are digitally signed are turning the value BOGUS.

Consider this example program, which performs a RRTYPE_A and then an RRTYPE_CNAME lookup of || and prints all of the responses:

|import getdns extensions = {"dnssec_return_validation_chain" : getdns.EXTENSION_TRUE} dnssec_status = {getdns.DNSSEC_SECURE:"SECURE", getdns.DNSSEC_INDETERMINATE:"INDETERMINATE", getdns.DNSSEC_INSECURE:"INSECURE", getdns.DNSSEC_BOGUS:"BOGUS", None:""} rtype = {getdns.RRTYPE_A:"A", getdns.RRTYPE_CNAME:"CNAME", getdns.RRTYPE_RRSIG:"RRSIG", getdns.RRTYPE_TLSA:"TLSA"} print dnssec_status #extensions = {} if name=="main": ctx = getdns.Context() hostname="" for request_type in

request_type:",rtype[request_type] results = ctx.general(name=hostname,request_type=request_type,extensions=extensions) for reply in results.replies_tree: for a in reply['answer']: dstat = reply.get('dnssec_status') print "request type:",a['type'],rtype[a['type']] print "dnssec:",dstat,dnssec_status[dstat] print "answer:",a print "---" print "=====================" |

Here is the execution:

|$ python2.7 {400: 'SECURE', 401: 'BOGUS', 402: 'INDETERMINATE', 403: 'INSECURE', None: ''} hostname: request_type: A request type: 5 CNAME dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbdbc0, size 10 at 0x7f7ec1cc2070>, 'cname': ''}, 'type': 5, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 46 RRSIG dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1442200767, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 5, 'labels': 3, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe120, size 156 at 0x7f7ec1cc20b0>, 'key_tag': 43607, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe1d0, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1cc20f0>, 'original_ttl': 1800, 'signature_inception': 1441594728}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 1 A dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 30, 'rdata': {'ipv4_address': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe8d0, size 4 at 0x7f7ec1cc2130>, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe8f0, size 4 at 0x7f7ec1cc2170>}, 'type': 1, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 46 RRSIG dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 30, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1441871741, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 1, 'labels': 4, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbee50, size 160 at 0x7f7ec1cc21b0>, 'key_tag': 56900, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbef00, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1cc21f0>, 'original_ttl': 30, 'signature_inception': 1441266941}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 46 RRSIG dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 30, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1442078767, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 1, 'labels': 4, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbf800, size 160 at 0x7f7ec1cc2230>, 'key_tag': 31787, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbf8b0, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1cc2270>, 'original_ttl': 30, 'signature_inception': 1441473967}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- ===================== hostname: request_type: CNAME request type: 5 CNAME dnssec: 401 BOGUS answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdf2240, size 10 at 0x7f7ec1ccab30>, 'cname': ''}, 'type': 5, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 46 RRSIG dnssec: 401 BOGUS answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1442200767, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 5, 'labels': 3, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdf27a0, size 156 at 0x7f7ec1ccab70>, 'key_tag': 43607, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdf2850, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1ccabb0>, 'original_ttl': 1800, 'signature_inception': 1441594728}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- ===================== $ |

As you can see, it says that the results of the A lookups are secure, but the result of the CNAME lookup is bogus.

However, when I use dig, I am told that the CNAME lookup is properly signed:

|$ dig @ -t cname +dnssec ; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.30.rc1.38.amzn1 <<>> @ -t cname +dnssec ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 30092 ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 512 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN CNAME ;; ANSWER SECTION: 1286 IN CNAME 1286 IN RRSIG CNAME 7 3 1800 20150914031927 20150907025848 43607 Bqqs7Jgv8yGh0jN5Cmwkyj1PRGAyEdCh3uns3TcPcT1ix6mbN5u1TNHO 8LM/gUTGPYNOPEKdY02zPHIVF3DVoj7HjkoSWZ3njO091A75ZuQM+HEq S7zLR8HPn1KOZCaL3YcqNA0CXlDITFdEzeTa0UuiT31dHq8oihme47as SW4= ;; Query time: 10 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Mon Sep 7 21:18:12 2015 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 231 $ |

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wtoorop commented 8 years ago

Hi Simson,

Attached patch resolved the issue and can be applied to version 0.3.0, 0.3.1 and 0.3.2 of getdns. Alternatively you can checkout the v0.3.3 branch from github and have some other "minor" bugfixes as well. If you decide to do the latter, don't forget to equip the repo with the correct libtool and configure scripts by doing

libtoolize -ci autoreconf -fi


Thanks again for finding and reporting this bug!

-- Willem

Op 07-09-15 om 23:18 schreef Simson L. Garfinkel:

It seems that DNSSEC lookups of CNAME records that are digitally signed are turning the value BOGUS.

Consider this example program, which performs a RRTYPE_A and then an RRTYPE_CNAME lookup of || and prints all of the responses:

|import getdns extensions = {"dnssec_return_validation_chain" : getdns.EXTENSION_TRUE} dnssec_status = {getdns.DNSSEC_SECURE:"SECURE", getdns.DNSSEC_INDETERMINATE:"INDETERMINATE", getdns.DNSSEC_INSECURE:"INSECURE", getdns.DNSSEC_BOGUS:"BOGUS", None:""} rtype = {getdns.RRTYPE_A:"A", getdns.RRTYPE_CNAME:"CNAME", getdns.RRTYPE_RRSIG:"RRSIG", getdns.RRTYPE_TLSA:"TLSA"} print dnssec_status #extensions = {} if name=="main": ctx = getdns.Context() hostname="" for request_type in

request_type:",rtype[request_type] results = ctx.general(name=hostname,request_type=request_type,extensions=extensions) for reply in results.replies_tree: for a in reply['answer']: dstat = reply.get('dnssec_status') print "request type:",a['type'],rtype[a['type']] print "dnssec:",dstat,dnssec_status[dstat] print "answer:",a print "---" print "=====================" |

Here is the execution:

|$ python2.7 {400: 'SECURE', 401: 'BOGUS', 402: 'INDETERMINATE', 403: 'INSECURE', None: ''} hostname: request_type: A request type: 5 CNAME dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbdbc0, size 10 at 0x7f7ec1cc2070>, 'cname': ''}, 'type': 5, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 46 RRSIG dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1442200767, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 5, 'labels': 3, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe120, size 156 at 0x7f7ec1cc20b0>, 'key_tag': 43607, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe1d0, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1cc20f0>, 'original_ttl': 1800, 'signature_inception': 1441594728}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 1 A dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 30, 'rdata': {'ipv4_address': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe8d0, size 4 at 0x7f7ec1cc2130>, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbe8f0, size 4 at 0x7f7ec1cc2170>}, 'type': 1, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 46 RRSIG dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 30, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1441871741, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 1, 'labels': 4, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbee50, size 160 at 0x7f7ec1cc21b0>, 'key_tag': 56900, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbef00, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1cc21f0>, 'original_ttl': 30, 'signature_inception': 1441266941}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 46 RRSIG dnssec: 400 SECURE answer: {'ttl': 30, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1442078767, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 1, 'labels': 4, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbf800, size 160 at 0x7f7ec1cc2230>, 'key_tag': 31787, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdbf8b0, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1cc2270>, 'original_ttl': 30, 'signature_inception': 1441473967}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- ===================== hostname: request_type: CNAME request type: 5 CNAME dnssec: 401 BOGUS answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdf2240, size 10 at 0x7f7ec1ccab30>, 'cname': ''}, 'type': 5, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- request type: 46 RRSIG dnssec: 401 BOGUS answer: {'ttl': 1800, 'rdata': {'signers_name': '', 'signature_expiration': 1442200767, 'algorithm': 7, 'type_covered': 5, 'labels': 3, 'rdata_raw': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdf27a0, size 156 at 0x7f7ec1ccab70>, 'key_tag': 43607, 'signature': <read-only buffer ptr 0xdf2850, size 128 at 0x7f7ec1ccabb0>, 'original_ttl': 1800, 'signature_inception': 1441594728}, 'type': 46, 'class': 1, 'name': ''} --- ===================== $ |

As you can see, it says that the results of the A lookups are secure, but the result of the CNAME lookup is bogus.

However, when I use dig, I am told that the CNAME lookup is properly signed:

|$ dig @ -t cname +dnssec ; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.30.rc1.38.amzn1 <<>> @ -t cname +dnssec ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 30092 ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 512 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN CNAME ;; ANSWER SECTION: 1286 IN CNAME 1286 IN RRSIG CNAME 7 3 1800 20150914031927 20150907025848 43607 Bqqs7Jgv8yGh0jN5Cmwkyj1PRGAyEdCh3uns3TcPcT1ix6mbN5u1TNHO 8LM/gUTGPYNOPEKdY02zPHIVF3DVoj7HjkoSWZ3njO091A75ZuQM+HEq S7zLR8HPn1KOZCaL3YcqNA0CXlDITFdEzeTa0UuiT31dHq8oihme47as SW4= ;; Query time: 10 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Mon Sep 7 21:18:12 2015 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 231 $ |

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wtoorop commented 8 years ago

Hmmm... I didn't see the attachment in github, so here printed verbatim:

--- src/dnssec.c.orig   2015-09-04 11:11:21.000000000 +0200
+++ src/dnssec.c    2015-09-08 11:27:27.739813613 +0200
@@ -1065,6 +1065,14 @@ = _getdns_rdf_if_or_as_decompressed(
                rdf, cname_spc, &cname_len);
+   /* If the qtype was a CNAME, and we got one, we'r done.
+    * We asked for it directly, so no redirection applies.
+    * Otherwise we have to check the referred to name/qtype.
+    */
+   if (qtype == GETDNS_RRTYPE_CNAME && != qname)
+       return;
    q_rrset.rr_type  = qtype;
    if (!(rr = rrtype_iter_init(&rr_spc, &q_rrset))) {
        /* No answer for the question.  Add a head for this rrset
wtoorop commented 8 years ago

Sorry, white spaces are lost that way. You can download the patch here:

simsong commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the patches.

As an aside, I keep getting this error when I compile getdns with the openssl-0.1.2d:

Traceback (most recent call last):

_ImportError: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: SRP_CalcA

My only way around this has been to remove openssl-0.1.2d from the path when compiling getdns.

Any idea what might be causing that?

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 5:42 AM, wtoorop wrote:

Sorry, white spaces are lost that way. You can download the patch here:

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

wtoorop commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the late response.

I haven't been able to reproduce yet. Do you see this with the getdns-0.3.3 source tarball? Or with the develop branch?

Not that it should matter, but are your libldns and/or libunbound linked against the same openssl?

-- Willem

Op 08-09-15 om 14:52 schreef Simson L. Garfinkel:

Thanks for the patches.

As an aside, I keep getting this error when I compile getdns with the openssl-0.1.2d:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  • File "", line 1, in *
  • import getdns*

_ImportError: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: SRP_CalcA

My only way around this has been to remove openssl-0.1.2d from the path when compiling getdns.

Any idea what might be causing that?

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 5:42 AM, wtoorop wrote:

Sorry, white spaces are lost that way. You can download the patch here:

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

simsong commented 8 years ago

You are correct. The getdns and libunbound were linked against different openssls.

On Sep 18, 2015, at 7:43 AM, wtoorop wrote:

Sorry for the late response.

I haven't been able to reproduce yet. Do you see this with the getdns-0.3.3 source tarball? Or with the develop branch?

Not that it should matter, but are your libldns and/or libunbound linked against the same openssl?

-- Willem

Op 08-09-15 om 14:52 schreef Simson L. Garfinkel:

Thanks for the patches.

As an aside, I keep getting this error when I compile getdns with the openssl-0.1.2d:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  • File "", line 1, in *
  • import getdns*

_ImportError: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: SRP_CalcA

My only way around this has been to remove openssl-0.1.2d from the path when compiling getdns.

Any idea what might be causing that?

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 5:42 AM, wtoorop wrote:

Sorry, white spaces are lost that way. You can download the patch here:

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