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mark videos when watched by user #16

Open MathiasTim opened 11 years ago

MathiasTim commented 11 years ago

This should be a great feature, but when do we decide when a video was "watched"?!

monbro commented 11 years ago

Well, first of all I would change the visited colour of links to a different one. So that as a user I can see which videos I have clicked on! I would not show the user if he actually 'watched' the video. It should be more clear, that he was on this video page already, somehow...

So in case you are talking about backend tracking, I would simply increment a counter when the play button was clicked (if trackable yet?). In addition, increment another click counter every time the click button was clicked and the user spent at least 50% of the video length on this video page (a simple timeout should do the trick, which will be terminated on a page change)

MartinKolb1987 commented 11 years ago

I like the idea to mark "visited video page". To mark "watched videos" is difficult, the simple timeout trick does not work. Maybe someone watch a video just for 5 minutes, have no more time anymore, changes the page and then he/she comes back again later... so it´s not really possible with a timeout.