getgrav / grav-learn

Grav Learn (exhaustive grav documentation)
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Topics that need documenting... #356

Open rhukster opened 7 years ago

rhukster commented 7 years ago

These are some topics I have on my big-list-of-grav-things that need to get documented in the docs. Some are clarifications, some are new features that have been added to the Grav core and just not documented yet.

Please consider digging in and helping to knock these out. It's an easy way you can contribute back to Grav :)

Grav Core

Core Events

Admin Plugin

Admin Events




RyanMPierson commented 7 years ago

onPageFallBackURL was documented:

RyanMPierson commented 7 years ago

htaccess documented:

RyanMPierson commented 7 years ago

Expanded on System Config documentation:

RyanMPierson commented 7 years ago

OleVik commented 7 years ago

In regards to "Cookbook" -> "Tutorial on how to create a split menu system (vertical menu?)", is the idea to split menu items by category, subcategory, and item? Ie., a hierarchical menu.

rhukster commented 7 years ago

In regards to the split menu cookbook entry @OleVik, what i had in mind was the main menu shows only the 1st level items. Then when you click on say 'services' top level, and it has a series of items under there: 'consulting', ' development', etc, those show up underneath as a horizontal menu. This is what I consider a 2 level split-menu.

RyanMPierson commented 7 years ago

Dashboard options documented:

RyanMPierson commented 7 years ago

Documented Tools Menu Option for Direct Install:

paulmassen commented 7 years ago

Should we add documentation to the number field ?

paulmassen commented 6 years ago

Added Custom select field cookbook entry

paulmassen commented 6 years ago

Documented conditional field

RyanMPierson commented 6 years ago

onFallbackUrl() and onMarkdownInitialized() documented here:

RyanMPierson commented 6 years ago

onGetPageTemplates and onGetPageBlueprints were documented: abed30d4

hughbris commented 6 years ago

Great issue. Subscribing to this, learned heaps of stuff just scanning through.

I'll help where I can too.

rhukster commented 6 years ago

Thanks @hughbris contributions are always welcome!

paulmassen commented 6 years ago

Memo to remember to add docs to select_optgroup:

paulmassen commented 6 years ago

Created a cookbook entry for:

hughbris commented 6 years ago

Another one for collections page:

rhukster commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jgonyea for your PRs today! It's been a huge help!

artemartemov commented 6 years ago

these two would be amazing to have if anyone has some time. still struggling!

Document media twig object and accessing arbitrary images as media:

How to add a page specific CSS file via a custom page template - block stylesheets, parent(), then {% do assets.addCss('theme://css/custom-page.css') %}

paulmassen commented 6 years ago

@artemartemov The 2nd one is already documented here:

I'm not sure I understand the first one though

RyanMPierson commented 6 years ago

Documented Inline Errors in forms:

RyanMPierson commented 6 years ago

Documented validation message:

RyanMPierson commented 6 years ago

Documented fieldsets, client-side validation.

hughbris commented 6 years ago

Form email action header/option:

Update: Covered by

hughbris commented 6 years ago

default seems to be the default thumbnail from system folder for media type e.g. /system/images/media/thumb-jpg.png

page is taken from the media folder with pattern [media-name].[media-extension].thumb.[thumb-extension], and seems to fall back to the media itself

media is the (image) medium itself

RyanMPierson commented 6 years ago

Offline Mode Documented d473200ea149480d740e6e6626204833ce71840a

hughbris commented 6 years ago

Update: decent examples are provided under blueprints as it happens. Having missed this completely when I needed it, perhaps we should be talking about better cross-referencing of shared content between the blueprints and user forms sections.

OleVik commented 6 years ago

On my wishlist:

@mahagr and @RyanMPierson know a lot about this process, and I imagine there are some underused abilities of blueprints that would allow for easier debugging of structure and implementation, which is a sticky, reoccurring issue people ask for help with.

RyanMPierson commented 6 years ago

Added CloudFlare workaround via

hughbris commented 6 years ago
NicoHood commented 3 years ago

The message API is not documented or mentioned anywhere:

$this->grav['messages']->add($message, 'warning');
NicoHood commented 3 years ago

grav.user.access.admin.login Is undocumented (used to check if the admin panel is opened or not, equivalent to $this->isAdmin().

Should be added here:

--> I've document this thing, however I dont know what else the object is used for, maybe there are other permissions worth to document. Also I dont know if this is still valid for 1.7.

mahagr commented 3 years ago

Above does not work, it never has. You should not be using grav.user.access for anything, it is just a raw list of user access and there is a method to get the same information in a normalized format. Also, it is not $this->isAdmin(), not even close (which checks if admin plugin is active).

NicoHood commented 3 years ago

GRAV_VERSION is not documented:

james0r commented 2 years ago

From a suggestion I made in the Discord server:

I'm seeing the blueprint admin fields available in the docs, then if we want to find text field information we have to navigate to frontend fields, I think it would be best to just list all fields that are available for the admin and create another table column to denote which ones are only available in the admin. That way the dev doesn't have to navigate back and forth from frontend/admin fields. Something like this:


I was told this was the case before but that there were "issues". I'd be interested to know if they couldn't be addressed while still, what I feel is improving this page.

NoNoNo commented 1 year ago

In images.defaults (in config system.yaml), you can list methods, that get called by default on object of class Grav\Common\Page\Medium\Medium, e.g.

images.defaults.derivatives: '320, 3200, 320' will invoke derivatives(320, 3200, 320)

This feature should be documented in

rhukster commented 1 year ago

Please submit a pull request by clicking "edit" button on the docs site.