getgrav / grav-plugin-admin

Grav Admin Plugin
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Error: File is too big, Max Filesize: 2MiB #2358

Closed andrewcm40 closed 1 year ago

andrewcm40 commented 1 year ago


I've tried to no avail to adjust the max file upload limit. I've changed the config/system.yaml file media: enable_media_timestamp: false unsupported_inline_types: { } allowed_fallback_types: { } auto_metadata_exif: false **upload_limit: 0**

The upload limit value was set to "2097152" which was 2 megabytes. I adjusted this value to "16777216" to change the max file size to 16 MB. This returned the same error message, "File is too big, max filesize: 2MiB"

I've attempted to adjust the `files. Filesize value to "25" in the /config/plugins/form/form.yaml file, and I still get the same error message.

I tried logging out and back into the admin panel.

I tried clearing and purging the cache

I tried restarting my docker container

Nothing appears to be working to change this max file size value, and I've spent hours attempting to find a solution, and I give up.

I need help finding something else on the forums with a solution.

I appreciate any help you can provide.

andrewcm40 commented 1 year ago

this was resolved by adding upload_max_filesize = 256M post_max_size = 256M max_execution_time = 300

to the php-local.ini file under the directory: /config/php/php-local.ini