getgrav / grav-plugin-admin

Grav Admin Plugin
MIT License
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Premium feature Algolia Pro isn't working #2395

Open KentousHodo opened 5 months ago

KentousHodo commented 5 months ago

Hello everyone, first time here.

I have bought Algolia Pro Premium feature but when i try to install the plugin my site crash and i need to delete the plugin via the ftp.

I'm not an IT expert but only an amator who love GRAV and don't want to use Wordpress.

Here is a printscreen of the problem.


Have you already have this problem ?

Thanks for your help !

rhukster commented 5 months ago

This actually looks like a more general permission issue rather thatn AlgoliaPro specifcally. How is grav installed? what platform, webserver etc? Also does the user running the webserver have permissions to write to the filesystem where Grav is located? I think this is your fundamental issue. just tryihg going into the admin and try saving the "system configuration" or making a quick edit to a page and try saving that.

You might want to review this section of the docs also:

KentousHodo commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your response. Why do you talking about SEOMagic ? It's a mandatory plugin for Algolia Pro ? Grav is installed on an ovh website (visible here : Only Licence manager plugin is used. No other plugin than Grav basics. Using admin panel works well. (system config & page management)

KentousHodo commented 5 months ago

Bug Algolia Here a zip with the full bug report page.

rhukster commented 5 months ago

Apologies, i mean't to write "Algolia Pro" but had recently been doing some work in "SEOMagic" so fingers typed the wrong word!

Can you double check that when you 'install' Algolia Pro, you have a file located here: user/plugins/algolia-pro/algolia-pro.yaml ?

KentousHodo commented 5 months ago

Apologies, i mean't to write "Algolia Pro" but had recently been doing some work in "SEOMagic" so fingers typed the wrong word!

Can you double check that when you 'install' Algolia Pro, you have a file located here: user/plugins/algolia-pro/algolia-pro.yaml ?

No problem =)

Here is a printscreen : Yes i have the file located a this place. image

rhukster commented 5 months ago

This is a strange one... can we move this to #grav-premium on discord?

KentousHodo commented 5 months ago

OK go on discord.