Can confirm that file doesn't exist locally (though I noticed it does here). Install looks to otherwise perfectly fine, and plugin appears to run correctly. Failing command follows:
root@e881e4b4fb57:/usr/share/nginx/html# bin/gpm install -y error problems breadcrumbs anchors highlight simplesearch learn2
GPM Releases Configuration: Stable
Preparing to install Error [v1.6.0]
|- Downloading package... 100%
|- Checking destination... ok
|- Installing package... ok
'- Success!
Preparing to install Problems [v1.4.7]
|- Downloading package... 100%
|- Checking destination... ok
|- Installing package... ok
'- Success!
Preparing to install Breadcrumbs [v1.5.1]
|- Downloading package... 100%
|- Checking destination... ok
|- Installing package... ok
'- Success!
Preparing to install Anchors [v1.5.2]
|- Downloading package... 100%
|- Checking destination... ok
|- Installing package...
copy(/usr/share/nginx/html/user/plugins/anchors/.idea/vcs.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
I noticed that a recent commit introduced the file its complaining about. No idea how Grav works underneath, but is it possible the new file is giving it grief?
Can confirm that file doesn't exist locally (though I noticed it does here). Install looks to otherwise perfectly fine, and plugin appears to run correctly. Failing command follows:
I noticed that a recent commit introduced the file its complaining about. No idea how Grav works underneath, but is it possible the new file is giving it grief?