getgrav / grav-plugin-assets

Grav Assets Plugin
MIT License
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The Assets Plugin Can Break The Form Plugin Modular Page Support #3

Open dmitry-v-vlasov opened 8 years ago

dmitry-v-vlasov commented 8 years ago

This code block breaks modular pages support in the grav forms plugin somehow (didn't dig it deep):


    public function onPageInitialized()
        // ...
                // Initialize all page content up front before Twig happens
        if (isset($page->header()->content['items'])) {
           foreach ($page->collection() as $item) {
               $item->content(); // <-- HERE
        } else {
            // ...
        // ...

The "form" instance of "Grav/Plugin/Form" seems not "visible" in the form.html.twig template; Or it is never called after module content() calls produce some stuff already before the event "onTwigSiteVariables" which is important for the Forms plugin... Not sure...

It might be the page is also broken due to the same problem. The page has an empty form in the generated sources instead of a contact form.

dmitry-v-vlasov commented 8 years ago

If I comment out the above for cycle my contact form is generated successfully.

flaviocopes commented 8 years ago

Replicated. Calling $item->content(); makes the form disappear. @rhukster any clue why this might happen?

gmpreussner commented 6 years ago

I've got the same problem. As soon as I enable the Assets plug-in, modular forms are no longer populated. The form's container HTML is still rendered, but no dynamic content, such as input fields and buttons is created.

gmpreussner commented 6 years ago

Might be related to ?