getgrav / grav-plugin-feed

Grav Feed Plugin
MIT License
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Feed is solely ".atom" and ".rss" #74

Open patricksalo opened 4 months ago

patricksalo commented 4 months ago

I'm using the latest Feed plugin 1.10.0, with Grav 1.7.44 and the Typhoon 2.4.5 theme. Ever since rolling out my blog website, the ATOM and RSS buttons point to files .atom and .rss respectively.

Although this does indeed work, it looks odd without an actual filename. Any ideas as to why I'm not getting something a bit more standard like blog.atom and blog.rss for the feeds?

If it helps, I have a main blog "folder" within my pages that contains several blog posts. This blog folder is set as my homepage with my Root showing non-routable. Additionally, my blog URL is at and with grav actually installed in a /grav folder but I have an nginx alias that remaps this /grav path to /blog.

Thanks in advance for any insights.

rhukster commented 4 months ago

it's because your blog is on your homepage at the root, and by default that page is aliased to "". if your blog was at https://yoursite/blog, the feed would be https://yoursite/blog.rss etc.

if your blog is undered "home", i think you could harcode home.rss and it would also work.

patricksalo commented 4 months ago

Many thanks! So thoughts on where to hardcode this in? I tried the buttons in the sidebar.html.twig but that then breaks the buttons. I also tried using blog.rss instead of home.rss without any luck.

My blog folder is indeed "blog" but what's interesting is that I spun up a second server instance of Grav and set things up in a similar fashion (minus Typhoon) and on this second instance when editing this folder it shows...

Save location: user/pages/blog (type: blog)

...but my original and main server/blog shows:

Save location: blog/user/pages (type: blog) spite of on disk I can confirm that both servers are storing things in the exact same location...
