getgrav / grav-plugin-guestbook

Grav Guestbook Plugin
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The guestbook form does not display #15

Open BobbyFa opened 7 years ago

BobbyFa commented 7 years ago

Hello there, I am using Grav for my new site. The install went fine and I could wrote a few pages. I installed the LEARN2 theme. Recently I added the guestbook plugin following the given explanations on github. After installation, I created a page in which I copied/pasted the standard form given on the plugin page. When loading the guestbook page, no form did display (see attached file). I could not find this same issue on the internet. Has anybody had the same issue ? It is possible that the issue comes because of using the LEARN2 theme ? Thanks in advance for your hints. Attached I put also the list of the plugins of my site. guestbook-capture plugins-capture

SandroBerger commented 7 years ago

Hello @BobbyFa,

i also installed the guestbook plugin and it didn't work..

The only thing what worked for me was to add to call the form via the form plugin " {% include "forms/form.html.twig" with { form: forms('guestbook') } %}" to my template. So now its showing the form and its saving it to the messages.yaml., but im still not able to display the messages on the site.

Have you found some solution?

Thanks regards, Sandro

rhukster commented 7 years ago

We're working on a forms update and I'll circle back and check this out after the release.

BobbyFa commented 7 years ago

Hello Sandro094, rhukster, Thanks for your answers. I will give a try to the workaround using the form plugin. So far I was not successful in making the plugin work. I have to say that I am not much of a tech sawy :) and do not really understand from where the issue is coming.


SandroBerger commented 6 years ago

Hello @rhukster,

is there already a fix out for the guestbook plugin? I saw there was already a release about the form plugin but when i try it, i still get the same problem that the form is not showing on my Site. I need to add that im developing a one site page with multiple forms. Is it possible that this could be a problem. Would it be simpler to build a own "guestbook" plugin based on the form plugin?

Thanks, Sandro

matchavez commented 5 years ago

It would be better that if a plug-in isn't going to work for a while, the repo should say up top that it doesn't work. I'd rather know that before spending time and then eventually working out that it's a dead duck. 🦆

arnold61 commented 5 years ago

Still open