getgrav / grav-plugin-simplesearch

Grav SimpleSearch Plugin
MIT License
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Doesn't show pages that are not assigned to categories #117

Closed oshyne closed 7 years ago

oshyne commented 7 years ago

My settings in: /user/plugins/simplesearch/simplesearch.yaml

enabled: true
built_in_css: true
display_button: false
min_query_length: 3
route: /search
template: simplesearch_results
    category: News
filter_combinator: and
ignore_accented_characters: false
    by: date
    dir: desc

My settings in: user/config/plugins/simplesearch.yaml

enabled: true
built_in_css: true
display_button: false
min_query_length: 3
route: /search
template: simplesearch_results
filter_combinator: and
ignore_accented_characters: false
  by: date
  dir: desc

If i search for an article or a keyword inside the news category it shows in the search results; but does not show other articles not assigned to the news category but contain same keyword.

I also observed that settings in user/config/plugins/simplesearch.yaml don't seem to be honoured. I tried assigning categories to the different pages and entering their names in the category filter box of the admin but it doesn't work.

Please, how can i add multiple categories in /user/plugins/simplesearch/simplesearch.yaml so that the pages in those categories can display in the search result.

Tried this but isn't working: category: [News, events]

I have a corporate website with different sections such as news, events, FAQ, company profile, etc., so i wish that a user can search for any page contained on the site with the general search box provided.

Thanks for your assistance!!!

flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

The latest develop branch of this plugin has 2 commits that fix this issue, and you can add the @none placeholder in the category filter, and it will search everywhere. Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.

The problem with your config is, since filters is missing in your user config, the default plugin config is applied.

oshyne commented 7 years ago

Thanks so much for your response.

I added @none to category filter in admin but still doesn't search site wide.

I also tried adding @none to category filter in /user/plugins/simplesearch/simplesearch.yaml but still not working.

I entered multiple categories in the category filter in admin but still not working.

I am using the latest version of the plugin.

I appreciate your kind assistance. Thanks.

flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

Latest version you mean the one available through Grav's plugins, or the latest develop branch here?

oshyne commented 7 years ago

Available through grav plugin manager.


flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

Ok, I just implemented this feature a couple days ago and it's not yet in the latest release. Download and unzip in user/plugins/simplesearch. That should make it work.

oshyne commented 7 years ago

I unzipped into user/plugin/simplesearch then i went ahead to add @none to category filter option in admin and got the following error message when i tried to search for a keyword.


        private function notFound($query, $page, $taxonomies)
            $searchable_types = ['title', 'content', 'taxonomy'];
            $results = true;
            foreach ($searchable_types as $type) {
                if ($type === 'title') {
                    $result = $this->matchText(strip_tags($page->title()), $query) === false;
                } elseif ($type === 'taxonomy') {
                    if ($taxonomies === false) {
                    $page_taxonomies = $page->taxonomy();
                    $taxonomy_match = false;
                    foreach ((array) $page_taxonomies as $taxonomy => $values) {
                        // if taxonomies filter set, make sure taxonomy filter is valid
                        if (is_array($taxonomies) && !empty($taxonomies) && !in_array($taxonomy, $taxonomies)) {

                        $taxonomy_values = implode('|',$values);
                        if ($this->matchText($taxonomy_values, $query) !== false) {
                            $taxonomy_match = true;
                    $result = !$taxonomy_match;
                } else {
                    $result = $this->matchText(strip_tags($page->content()), $query) === false;
                $results = $results && $result;
                if ($results === false ) {
            return $results;


    "implode(): Invalid arguments passed"

This is the settings in user/config/plugins/simplesearch.yaml

enabled: true
built_in_css: true
display_button: false
min_query_length: 3
route: /search
template: simplesearch_results
    - @none
filter_combinator: and
ignore_accented_characters: false
  by: date
  dir: desc

Thanks so much.

flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

Ouch! Can you paste your /user/plugins/simplesearch/simplesearch.yaml content?

oshyne commented 7 years ago
enabled: true
built_in_css: true
display_button: false
min_query_length: 3
route: /search
template: simplesearch_results
    category: News
filter_combinator: and
ignore_accented_characters: false
    by: date
    dir: desc
flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

thanks, and /user/config/plugins/simplesearch.yaml ?

oshyne commented 7 years ago


enabled: true
built_in_css: true
display_button: false
min_query_length: 3
route: /search
template: simplesearch_results
filter_combinator: and
ignore_accented_characters: false
  by: date
  dir: desc

Thanks so much

flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

The latest release should fix it. In the plugin configuration through Admin, set @none in the category filter.