getgrav / grav-plugin-sitemap

Grav Sitemap Plugin
MIT License
42 stars 42 forks source link

Sitemap blanked out problem #97

Closed CaiMiao closed 3 years ago

CaiMiao commented 3 years ago

Previously it works but not working again. Confirmed that default settings would still blank. Page cache via AdvancedPageCache disabled for sitemap.

Responsed xml content fyi :


Karmalakas commented 3 years ago

I believe your templates are messed up somehow. That's not a sitemap template in the source. It looks like the beginning is from partials/sitemap.xml.twig, but then the content is from some ...html.twig (looks like base.html.twig or any other full layout).

By any chance you have a page named also sitemap maybe? Just guessing

CaiMiao commented 3 years ago

image @Karmalakas nope and nope, i also wonder why it messed.

Karmalakas commented 3 years ago

Could you check you theme templates if sitemap is there?

CaiMiao commented 3 years ago

Could you check you theme templates if sitemap is there?



Karmalakas commented 3 years ago

It's not in /partials, but rather in root of /templates (I made a mistake earlier 🙂) How does you Sitemap plugin config look like?

CaiMiao commented 3 years ago

It's not in /partials, but rather in root of /templates (I made a mistake earlier ) How does you Sitemap plugin config look like?

@Karmalakas unmodified quark theme, and unmodified default plugin config, ty.

# tree -L 2
|-- assets
|   `-- quark-screenshots.jpg
|-- blueprints
|   |-- blog.yaml
|   |-- default.yaml
|   |-- item.yaml
|   |-- modular
|   `-- partials
|-- blueprints.yaml
|-- css
|   |-- bricklayer.css
|   |-- custom.css
|   `-- line-awesome.min.css
|-- css-compiled
|   |-- spectre-exp.css
|   |-- spectre-exp.min.css
|   |-- spectre-icons.css
|   |-- spectre-icons.min.css
|   |-- spectre.css
|   |-- spectre.min.css
|   |-- theme.css
|   `-- theme.min.css
|-- fonts
|   |-- line-awesome.eot
|   |-- line-awesome.svg
|   |-- line-awesome.ttf
|   |-- line-awesome.woff
|   `-- line-awesome.woff2
|-- gulpfile.js
|-- images
|   |-- favicon.png
|   |-- grav-logo.svg
|   `-- logo
|-- js
|   |-- bricklayer.min.js
|   |-- jquery.treemenu.js
|   |-- scopedQuerySelectorShim.min.js
|   |-- singlepagenav.min.js
|   |-- site.js
|   `-- smooth-scroll.min.js
|-- languages.yaml
|-- package.json
|-- quark.php
|-- quark.yaml
|-- screenshot.jpg
|-- scss
|   |-- spectre
|   |-- spectre-exp.scss
|   |-- spectre-icons.scss
|   |-- spectre.scss
|   |-- theme
|   `-- theme.scss
|-- templates
|   |-- blocks
|   |-- blog.html.twig
|   |-- default.html.twig
|   |-- error.html.twig
|   |-- forms
|   |-- item.html.twig
|   |-- macros
|   |-- modular
|   |-- modular.html.twig
|   `-- partials
`-- thumbnail.jpg
Karmalakas commented 3 years ago

I'm out of ideas. But I'm pretty sure it's something with your setup. Maybe some other plugin messes up something (you could try disabling one by one). What did you change when it stopped working? Installed something?

CaiMiao commented 3 years ago

according to my search console, it should work at least until Jul 9.

and all the plugins i have installed is assets, precache and twigcache.
tried disabled them but still blanks.

I also wonder why...

image image

rhukster commented 3 years ago

have you tried disabling advanced-page-cache completely?

CaiMiao commented 3 years ago

it seems the problem of tidyhtml