getgrav / grav-theme-quark

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Custom logo mobile not show #193

Closed pmoreno-rodriguez closed 1 month ago

pmoreno-rodriguez commented 1 year ago


In Quark theme, when you choose only the custom_mobile_logo, this isn't showed, instead is showed the default logo (grav-logo.svg) located in theme://images folder.

However if I choose the custom_logo, there's no problem.

What's wrong?

pmoreno-rodriguez commented 1 year ago

Hi. In my opinion it would be better to use this code, to correct this problem:

{% set logo = theme_var('custom_logo_mobile' ?: 'custom_logo') %}

I have tried loading only the mobile logo and it works fine.

hughbris commented 5 months ago

When I inspect the div mobile-container on my site and on the theme demo, its dimensions are 0x0. I assume that is intended on desktop, but there seems to be no media query block that reveals this div for small screen devices.

My guess is that this has just been omitted somehow. I won't make a PR because I don't know the most elegant (S)CSS to fit in with this theme.