getgrav / grav-theme-quark

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Fixed error showing mobile logo. #194

Closed pmoreno-rodriguez closed 1 month ago

pmoreno-rodriguez commented 1 year ago

When only the mobile logo is selected to display, it is not displayed. Instead, the standard logo is always displayed, if it exists, or nothing is displayed, if there is no standard logo.

hughbris commented 5 months ago

I have {% set logo = mobile ? theme_var('custom_logo_mobile')|default(theme_var('custom_logo')) : theme_var('custom_logo') %} in my templates/partials/logo.html.twig override. You can't ignore the mobile variable. This partial template is included twice in Quark's base template, once with mobile: true and once without.

However, I've just realised the problem is some incomplete(?) CSS. Will discuss that in #193.

pmoreno-rodriguez commented 1 month ago

@hughbris , I just realized that the logo is included on line 47 without the mobile variable. I guess the developers want the desktop version to use custom_logo and the mobile version to use custom_logo_mobile. What happens is that if you skip the desktop version of the logo and only set the mobile version logo, the desktop version of the page will always show the Grav logo. Anyway, I guess this is what you want to achieve. Therefore this Pull Request does not make much sense.