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GSoC call for ideas #1297

Closed flaviocopes closed 7 years ago

flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

The Wiki page contains a list of Google Summer of Code (application underway) ideas.

vertical gsoc logo

Comment here to discuss and add more to the list!

flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

Some ideas

OptikWebCreative commented 7 years ago

visual / drag and drop form creator (think Breezing Forms / RSForms)

OleVik commented 7 years ago

Could we add to this GraphQL? It was discussed quite a bit on Slack yesterday, and have great potential both for implementation and as more efficient and flexible than a REST API-layer (a decent comparison). Also, a well-executed GraphQL-layer would in itself be an efficient interface between any database as it's first and foremost a query-language (hence the QL) - you could store data the same way the API retrieves it without conflict.

Furthermore, a Gregwar-replacement is needed, but could perhaps better be achieved by the core team as it integrates very tightly into v1.1->v2 and beyond. Thus, as I understand it, a GSOC-project might achieve a good result but not necessarily anyone to maintain it further. So the GSOC-student would not only need to be involved in the specific replacement, but Grav more broadly. I'm not sure if that is a limitation in any way, but it's worth specifying as project goal and the larger involvement expected.

Lastly, importers are indeed useful, but from previous GSOC-projects on other CMS' they clearly need to be maintained long-term, not developed as once-offs - the pace of development between CMS' almost always lead to broken importers.

OptikWebCreative commented 7 years ago

the ability to set a particle to be visible on certain pages only - same as assignments for outlines when used in positions in G5

rhukster commented 7 years ago

@OptikWebCreative that sounds like a Gantry feature request, not a Grav one :)

OptikWebCreative commented 7 years ago

I would agree @rhukster but with J! (and WP I think) you can create a module / widget and set it to being a G5 particle, there is no way to do that in GRAV (yet) so maybe GRAV needs to get the functionality to enable G5 to take advantage of it as for every time I want to change a particle, but not the whole layout at the moment it means a new outline

mahagr commented 7 years ago

It is still handled in Gantry, not in Grav.

OptikWebCreative commented 7 years ago

so if i create a G5 particle module in J! and set it to appear on HomePage, About, Contact only, G5 handles it? i would have thought J! would have handled the assignments

w00fz commented 7 years ago

Maybe these questions should be taken over to the issues?

rhukster commented 7 years ago

I added a few of yours @flaviocopes.

Regarding the profile page, I actually have a local example of a profile page that could be easily added to the default login plugin.

Sommerregen commented 7 years ago

I have some ideas, too.

Sogl commented 7 years ago

maybe LDAP, too?

+1 to LDAP

One idea from me to Admin Panel. I really missed user administration page where you can create new users from here, manage their permissions etc Or maybe it's in the plans for Admin Panel Pro?

w00fz commented 7 years ago

yes, user management and files versioning (pages) are admin pro features.

Sogl commented 7 years ago


yes, user management and files versioning (pages) are admin pro features.

And ACL system too? I want to hide some pages like Configuration/Plugins/Themes etc from normal users.

tidiview commented 7 years ago


Social posting tool (automatically post to Tw/Fb/G+ or just post to Buffer and manage things from there

+1 suggestion: Consider integration of multilanguage from start with possibility of seperate account per languages

flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

@Sogl you can already do that (OT)

davidbrooksio commented 7 years ago

WYSIWYG Editor I realise that this isn't a particularly glamorous suggestion but I feel it is important. Markdown is great and most of the people reading this wouldn't dream of using a WYSIWYG editor but from experience asking a non-web savvy user to learn something new (such as markdown) is an upward struggle to say the least. The only thing stopping me using Grav to develop client websites is the lack of a WYSIWYG editor.

EDIT I have just read :smile:

rhukster commented 7 years ago

There is an LDAP plugin already: - it's in GPM too.

Sommerregen commented 7 years ago

@rhukster Oh, I forgot to look at the plugin repo first. But I have another one, this time more fundamendal:

rhukster commented 7 years ago

translation manager is a good one, i'll add that to the list

leotiger commented 7 years ago

StackEdit for GRAV! I have a working implementation of StackEdit in my GRAV implementations but a full-fledged StackEdit solution that allows offline-editing, local copies, etc. would be great for GRAV. StackEdit already includes Dropbox and other providers, why not GRAV instances?

StackEdit is and is not WYSIWYG... it's more WYSIWYM (What you see is what you mean) but for me that's a big advantage, the learning curve is not really high and it makes people feel "involved". May sound "kitsch" but I believe that's a bit the philosophy of GRAV, to involve people... from novice to experts...

(P.S.: My code is not ready for a release to the wild, I cannot offer the support that people would need, but I happily offer a code copy on demand)

Quanatee commented 7 years ago

@leotiger +1 for StackEdit. I currently have my /pages synced to NextCloud so that I can literally drop posts to upload and use their markdown editor via browser if I need to. A StackEdit solution would be dreamy.

My suggestion referencing #1099. @rhukster made a good point about Grav caching frontmatter for all pages. Provide a whitelist/blacklist to ignore/only look at choice pages, similar to advanced-pagecache plugin.

I would then provide the same whitelist/black to both Grav and plugin to work in sync with each other.

paulhibbitts commented 7 years ago

Hi @rymdluo I'd love to learn how you are syncing your Grav pages to NextCloud. Thanks!

Quanatee commented 7 years ago

Hey @paulhibbitts in this case it was a silly simple hack. You will need NextCloud and Grav on the same server though. Upload your entire /pages folder into NextCloud, delete /pages folder from your Grav system and create a symbolic link directing to the uploaded /pages folder that's in NextCloud.

The directory in NextCloud should be something like /nextcloud/data/'username'/'folders'/pages.

paulhibbitts commented 7 years ago

Thanks @rymdluo for sharing that technique - nice!

artofthesmart commented 7 years ago

AMP integration looks more like a template than a built-in feature. You might be able to get 90% of the way there by building up a boilerplate Template slug that people can use to build their new theme on top of.

i.e. Devtools would have an option to generate an AMP slug in addition to the existing "inheritance" and "pure-blank" options? Alternatively maybe just as a downloadable theme.

flaviocopes commented 7 years ago

I'm closing the issue as the Grav application to GSoC was not accepted.