getherbert / herbert

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Contoller not rendering the view #103

Closed giwrgos88 closed 8 years ago

giwrgos88 commented 8 years ago

Hello I'm new on herbert, I went throw the starting page and config page and I did all the steps one by one. I have the following view in the config file

    'views' => [
        'AdminViews' => __DIR__ . '/resources/views/admin'

The following controller

namespace Testing\Controllers\Admin;

use Herbert\Framework\Models\Post;
use Herbert\Framework\Http;
use Herbert\Framework\RedirectResponse;

class ClientController {

     * Show a list of all clients
    public function index(Http $http)
        return view('@AdminViews/list.twig');

     * Creates a new client
    public function create()


and inside the resources/views/admin I did the following .twig with the name list <h1>testing</h1>

When I execute the controller is not showing the testing but If i write dd() or var_dump() in my index function of the controller is showing the text that i wrote inside the two functions (dd() and var_dump())

Does anyone knows why is not loading the view?

Thank you

jasonagnew commented 8 years ago

You will need to set up a route or panel which calls that controller method

Using a Route:

    'as'   => 'adminList',
    'uri'  => '/admin/list',
    'uses' => 'Testing\Controllers\Admin\ ClientController@index'

Then you could visit:

Using a Panel

    'type'   => 'panel',
    'as'     => 'mainPanel',
    'title'  => 'My Plugin',
    'slug'   => 'myplugin-index',
    'icon'   => 'dashicons-media-audio',
    'uses'   => 'Testing\Controllers\Admin\ ClientController@index'

This would add a My Plugin menu item in the dashboard and when clicked would load your view

giwrgos88 commented 8 years ago

@jasonagnew I already did it, and the controller is called from main panel

    'type'   => 'panel',
    'as'     => 'mainPanel',
    'title'  => 'CRM',
    'slug'   => 'crm-index',
    'uses'   => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Controllers\Admin\ClientController@index'
giwrgos88 commented 8 years ago

Ok i found the issue, it was permission error with the cache of twig