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How to add actions and filters on front end #189

Open tedsecretsource opened 6 years ago

tedsecretsource commented 6 years ago

What is the recommended way to add actions and filters on the front end? Is there a "default" route that executes on every request or a way to say "every route except wp-admin"? I'd hate to think that we have to add lines to plugin.php. That seems like a hack, but I can't figure out where else to do that. Thanks in advance.

tedmasterweb commented 6 years ago

I found my own answer.

In herbert.config.php, under the requires section, include a file inside your app called actionsAndFilters.php. Then add your actions and filters there and voila, you are now loading actions and filters when your plugin runs. Very nice.

     * Auto-load all required files.
    'requires' => [
        __DIR__ . '/app/customPostTypes.php',
        __DIR__ . '/app/actionsAndFilters.php'