gethiox / GXAudioVisualisation

Blender Python script for audio visualisation
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Visualizer Freezing Bug #7

Open KingSalty opened 8 years ago

KingSalty commented 8 years ago

Hello, I recently started using your audio visualizer and it's working great, but one exception. After rebaking the animation data about the fourth or fifth time, the literal bars will stand at their height stationary, even when the music plays. Rebaking again, recreating the visualizer base, reuploading the track, nothing works. screen shot 2016-03-27 at 4 38 58 pm In the picture, the bars remain stationary even when the track plays. I have no idea what to do at this point because nothing will work, and I'll have to just start from scratch. If you need more information just ask.

gethiox commented 8 years ago

Show me what is above of the visible part of the addon panel. I see soundfile input in right channel box, but maybe you has only selected 'left channel' from list.

gethiox commented 8 years ago

But if it work before corectly, that's weird.

KingSalty commented 8 years ago

I'm using the right channel.

gethiox commented 8 years ago

I will try to reproduce this problem later (in a 1-3 days), stay tuned and thanks to report issue.

gethiox commented 8 years ago

Also have you tried delete all of these objects? Emptys and cubes? Sometimes i had problem with that, when new emptys was created (with name like 'obj_r_1.001') and driver links was targeted to old emptys without any baked data.

KingSalty commented 8 years ago

Yes, like said on the wiki, if I had any problems I'd delete them and retry. So I did, including the emtpys, but resulted the same.

gethiox commented 8 years ago

Well, I can't reproduce problem, I playing with settings and baking many times (around 20), seems to working fo me, Can you specify when exactly plugin stops working? This bug can be triggered only by pressing "bake animation" many times? Also I can propose another plugin that might be useful Here is possible to play around music visualisation without baking process, looks interesting but I don't test it.

Alex9303 commented 7 years ago

I am having the same problem, except It does not work at all. Here are the files with the music.

gethiox commented 6 years ago

I will try to care about it in the next upcoming version that I am planing to write.