gethyas / doks

Everything you need to build a stellar documentation website. Fast, accessible, and easy to use.
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url issues #1090

Open hesxenon opened 9 months ago

hesxenon commented 9 months ago
  1. the "home" url (upper left, where Doks stands) doesn't seem to be affected by setting the "baseUrl" - it always tries to go to the server root. Am I missing something?
  2. is there an option so that I can use absolute urls in markdown links? Currently it seems they're just being appendend to the current url - which also breaks links.

Repo in question:

Thank you so far for your work, even though working with hugo is sometimes frustrating for me I now have (semi) working, professional looking docs :)

If you notice anything strange in that repo, please tell me and I'll do my best to change it.

h-enk commented 9 months ago

Ad 1) You can make the URL absolute. Copy docs/node_modules/@hyas/doks/layouts/partials/header/header.html to docs/layouts/partials/header/header.html, and update lines 14..16 from

    <a class="navbar-brand order-0" href="{{ "/" | relLangURL }}" aria-label="{{ .Site.Params.Title }}">
      {{ .Site.Params.Title }}


    <a class="navbar-brand order-0" href="{{ "/" | absLangURL }}" aria-label="{{ .Site.Params.Title }}">
      {{ .Site.Params.Title }}

Ad 2) You can use Hugo's ref shortcode — see also Use of ref and relref So, for instance, instead of:

They're not supported - see [reasoning](../../concepts/reasoning#route_params)


They're not supported - see [reasoning]({{< ref "reasoning#route_params" >}})

Last Friday I released Doks 1.0, I'm working hard now on updating the documentation — including a migration guide. Would you be interested in migrating? I could make a PR on your repo and learn and describe how to do things. Thanks!

hesxenon commented 9 months ago

Absolutely, that would be awesome! Thanks a lot

On Tue, Sep 12, 2023, 08:35 Henk Verlinde @.***> wrote:

Ad 1) You can make the URL absolute. Copy @.***/doks/layouts/partials/header/header.html to docs/layouts/partials/header/header.html, and update lines 14..16 from

<a class="navbar-brand order-0" href="{{ "/" | relLangURL }}" aria-label="{{ .Site.Params.Title }}">
  {{ .Site.Params.Title }}


<a class="navbar-brand order-0" href="{{ "/" | absLangURL }}" aria-label="{{ .Site.Params.Title }}">
  {{ .Site.Params.Title }}

Ad 2) You can use Hugo's ref shortcode — see also Use of ref and relref So, for instance, instead of:

They're not supported - see reasoning


They're not supported - see [reasoning]({{< ref "reasoning#route_params" >}})

Last Friday I released Doks 1.0, I'm working hard now on updating the documentation — including a migration guide. Would you be interested in migrating? I could make a PR on your repo and learn and describe how to do things. Thanks!

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