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Figcaption css missing in Doks template #1139

Closed jollydodo closed 5 months ago

jollydodo commented 6 months ago

Tiny issue that can be fixed quite easily.

This post describes how to use a caption with an image (also visible on the doks documentation)

However, the default Doks template doesn't render the subtext small and italic due to missing css. This is the css that is used on the hyas / doks site: figure figcaption { margin-top: 0.5rem; font-size: 1rem; font-style: italic; }

I temporarily added this to _custom.css file, but my suggestion is that this should be added to the doks-core folder in components/_images.scss (there is a lot of stuff commented out in that file. So I guess this is a working file?)

h-enk commented 6 months ago

Will be fixed with merging

h-enk commented 5 months ago
