Closed NorinMp143 closed 3 years ago
What version of Node are you running?
Node 14.x and below need the polyfill which is included in the various dist directories alongside the CAF file(s). With non-ESM CAF, the polyfill is loaded automatically. But if you do import
like you're showing there, you'll need to first manually require(..)
the polyfill. In Node 16+, the polyfill is no longer needed as AbortController
is a built-in.
thank you for the explanation.
now I am trying with require(...)
but I got the error after then I try different versions of CAF and I got that CAF@9.1.0 and below are compatible with Node 14.x and below versions. But you said that in non-ESM CAF, the polyfill loaded automatically but not working in the latest version CAF@12.0.1
now I am using CAF@9.1.0 which is working perfectly.
Is there any way that if I use require(...)
and latest version of CAF with Node 14.x
If the polyfill is not loading automatically, can you try loading it (with require)? Does that not work?
I just tried this and it seems to work fine:
$ node --version
$ cat test-caf.mjs
import { createRequire } from "module";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
import { CAF as c1 } from "caf";
import c2 from "caf/caf";
console.log( new c1.cancelToken() );
console.log( new c2.cancelToken() );
$ node test-caf.mjs
cancelToken {
controller: AbortController {},
signal: AbortSignal {
pr: Promise { <pending>, [Symbol(Cleanup Function)]: [Function: s] }
cancelToken {
controller: AbortController {},
signal: AbortSignal {
pr: Promise { <pending>, [Symbol(Cleanup Function)]: [Function: s] }
ESM builds (even in Node) are not intended to automatically load a polyfill, as this sort of breaks the assumptions of module systems.
However, I agree there was a regression for non-ESM usage in Node 14 and below, where it used to load the polyfill automatically and it stopped doing so. Sorry about that -- I'm fixing it.
I've released CAF v13.0.0 which should fix the Node 14 regression with non-ESM format and the polyfill. For ESM format, you'll need to manually include the polyfill for Node 14 and below. Starting with Node 16, the polyfill is no longer required.
file:///home/ubuntu/dwhelper/Digging%20into%20Nodejs/Learning%20Digging%20into%20Nodejs/node_modules/caf/dist/esm/shared.mjs:5 const CLEANUP_FN=Symbol("Cleanup Function"),TIMEOUT_TOKEN=Symbol("Timeout Token");class cancelToken{constructor(n=new AbortController){var s;this.controller=n,this.signal=n.signal;var handleReject=(n,i)=>{var doRej=()=>{if(i){var n=this.signal&&this.signal.reason?this.signal.reason:void 0;i(n),i=null}};this.signal.addEventListener("abort",doRej,!1),s=()=>{this.signal&&(this.signal.removeEventListener("abort",doRej,!1),[CLEANUP_FN]=null)),doRej=null}}; Promise(handleReject),[CLEANUP_FN]=s,,handleReject=s=null}abort(n){this.signal&&!("reason"in this.signal)&&(this.signal.reason=n),this.controller&&this.controller.abort()}discard(){this.signal&&([CLEANUP_FN]&&[CLEANUP_FN](),,this.signal=this.signal.reason=null),this.controller=null}}export default{CLEANUP_FN:CLEANUP_FN,TIMEOUT_TOKEN:TIMEOUT_TOKEN,cancelToken:cancelToken,signalPromise:signalPromise,processTokenOrSignal:processTokenOrSignal};export{CLEANUP_FN};export{TIMEOUT_TOKEN};export{cancelToken};export{signalPromise};export{processTokenOrSignal};function signalPromise(n){if(;var s,i=new Promise((function c(i,r){s=()=>r(),n.addEventListener("abort",s,!1)}));return i[CLEANUP_FN]=function cleanup(){n&&(n.removeEventListener("abort",s,!1),n=null),i&&(i=i[CLEANUP_FN]=s=null)},i.catch(i[CLEANUP_FN]),i}function processTokenOrSignal(n){n instanceof AbortController&&(n=new cancelToken(n));var s=n&&n instanceof cancelToken?n.signal:n;return{tokenOrSignal:n,signal:s,signalPr:signalPromise(s)}} ^
ReferenceError: AbortController is not defined at new cancelToken (file:///home/ubuntu/dwhelper/Digging%20into%20Nodejs/Learning%20Digging%20into%20Nodejs/node_modules/caf/dist/esm/shared.mjs:5:119) at Function.timeout (file:///home/ubuntu/dwhelper/Digging%20into%20Nodejs/Learning%20Digging%20into%20Nodejs/node_modules/caf/dist/esm/caf.mjs:5:1158) at file:///home/ubuntu/dwhelper/Digging%20into%20Nodejs/Learning%20Digging%20into%20Nodejs/cli3.js:43:28 at (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:152:23) at async Loader.import (internal/modules/esm/loader.js:166:24) at async Object.loadESM (internal/process/esm_loader.js:68:5)
code ->
!/usr/bin/env node
"use strict";
import util from 'util'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import zlib from 'zlib';
import minimist from 'minimist'; import { Transform } from 'stream'; import { CAF } from 'caf';
const __dirname = path.resolve();
var args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2),{ boolean: ['help', 'in', 'out', 'compress', 'uncompress'], string: ['file'] });
processFile = CAF(processFile);
function streamComplete(stream){ return new Promise (function c(res){ stream.on("end",res); }) }
var BASH_PATH = path.resolve( process.env.BASE_PATH || __dirname)
var OUTFILE = path.join(BASH_PATH, 'out.txt');
if({ printHelp(); } else if( || args._.includes('-')){ const timeoutToken = CAF.timeout(3, "Timeout!"); processFile(timeoutToken,process.stdin) .catch(error); } else if(args.file){ const stream = fs.createReadStream(path.join(BASH_PATH,args.file)); const timeoutToken = CAF.timeout(3, "Timeout!"); processFile(timeoutToken,stream) .then((data)=>{ console.log('Complete!'); }) .catch(error); } else{ error('Incorrect usage',true) }
// **
function *processFile (signal,inStream){ let outStream = inStream;
if(args.uncompress){ const gunzipStream = zlib.createGunzip(); outStream = outStream.pipe(gunzipStream); }
const upperStream = new Transform({ transform(chunk, enc, cb){ this.push(chunk.toString().toUpperCase()); cb(); } }); outStream = outStream.pipe(upperStream); if(args.compress){ const gzipStream = zlib.createGzip(); outStream = outStream.pipe(gzipStream); OUTFILE =
; } let targetStream; if(args.out){ targetStream = process.stdout; } else{ targetStream = fs.createWriteStream(OUTFILE); } outStream.pipe(targetStream); f(){ outStream.unpipe(targetStream); outStream.destroy(); }) yield streamComplete(outStream) }function error(msg, includeHelp= false){ console.log(msg); if(includeHelp){ console.log(''); printHelp(); } }
function printHelp(){ console.log("cli3 usage:"); console.log(" cli3.js --file={FILENAME}"); console.log(""); console.log(" --help print this help"); console.log(" --file process the file"); console.log(" --in, - process stdin"); console.log(" --out print the output"); console.log(" --compress gzip the output"); console.log(" --uncompress un-zip the input"); console.log(""); }