getify / Functional-Light-JS

Pragmatic, balanced FP in JavaScript. @FLJSBook on twitter.
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Tech Edit: Ch 8 #72

Closed DrBoolean closed 7 years ago

DrBoolean commented 7 years ago

This is a very important chapter and as far as List operations go, I think it is a grand slam. I dug the filter double negatives :) I mix that up still! I also really like the visualizations and various "real world" uses of reduce to implement other familiar list methods. You even touch of an important advanced FP practice of not destroying information (discouraging every/some). I even go as far as to not use filter and have since employed partition in its place.

Found 1 quick typo (i know it's not my job, but I figured i'd say something if i see it)

There are some issues around Functors:

Basically, the law suggests you must be able to change types within a map.

A few issues with BST

Passing the whole node allows one to alter the structure of the tree while traversing it, which can lead to super confusing behavior like replacing subtrees you just mapped.

When we need a whole node, we use the comonad instance extend which does pass the whole node in, but only replaces the value of that one node with whatever's returned. So: => v.toUpperCase()) // same tree with uppercases
tree.extend(node => node.value.toUpperCase()) // same tree with uppercases, but we get more context while altering the 1 value

The map provided then, disqualifies it from being a functor. Perhaps that should be mentioned or we shouldn't have previously discussed functors since, in my opinion, it's a little confusing to the reader. Otherwise if we pass value in, it is indeed a functor and we probably should mention that :)

For this one though, I realize how bending over backwards to be principled is in direct conflict with the intent of this book. If i had to pick a battle it'd be map since that does not hold the intuition and reduce is an entirely different animal.

That means we cannot make a search tree a functor anyways because of the constraint that composition is limited to "comparable" return values. e.g. how does one balance => Promise.resolve(x)). I think maybe the best move here is to remove the search part so it keeps the discussion focused on the utility of these functions.

In any case, I think these issues can be easily ironed out with a few adjustments and the chapter can remain perfectly in tact since it flows beautifully and teaches some great content.

getify commented 7 years ago

@DrBoolean if you do a filter(..) operation on a tree, you necessarily have to alter the actual tree structure and not just deal with its values, right? Deleting a node from a binary tree means you have to propagate that deletion to down that subtree.

I originally was going to do these operations over only the values and not the nodes, but as soon as I got to filter(..), I realized I had to handle the tree structure. I don't see any other way to do filter(..) on a tree, am I missing something?

DrBoolean commented 7 years ago

In the time since I wrote this, I've been studying recursion-schemes much more deeply.

You are totally right that filter requires the whole node. In fact, that's why recursion schemes pass in the full object and end up amounting to GOF's visitor pattern (without that mutation)

I think the "right" thing to do is pass the full node to reduce, then implement map and filter in terms of reduce, but don't pass the full node in those functions.

Filter ends up being rather strange - you try to keep a bunch of nodes as you visit them, but as soon as it filters a node above them, they disappear. Huge branches of information lost because of one parent! I've seen various attempts to solve ( and the solution often ends up being toArray.

In fact, the Foldable interface amounts to toList in haskell.

I think most literature separates the subset of structure preserving maps (map) from the more general folds (filter), which can lose structural information, simply because one has so many more guarantees on how it works - a separation of bijective and injective functions.

getify commented 7 years ago

you try to keep a bunch of nodes as you visit them, but as soon as it filters a node above them, they disappear. Huge branches of information lost because of one parent!

Perhaps that's true of general trees, but for BSTs, I interpreted filter to only filter out a single node, not implying that it's children are lost. That's the whole reason for filter(..) implementing the "delete" algorithm of BSTs, so that all the children nodes below it shuffle upward and aren't lost.

DrBoolean commented 7 years ago

Ahh, right on. I don't claim to know much about BST's. That definitely sounds legit.