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Get Started: Appendix B Suggested Solution "Comparison" #1652

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

"I already searched for this issue":**

Edition: (1st or 2nd)

Book Title: Get Started

Chapter: Appendix B: Practice, Practice, Practice

Section Title: Suggested Solution Comparisons (Pillar 3)


Should this section of the solution:

let meetingStart =${ meetingStartHour.padStart(2,"0") }:${ meetingStartMinutes.padStart(2,"0") }; let meetingEnd =${ String(meetingEndHour).padStart(2,"0") }:${ String(meetingEndMinutes).padStart(2,"0") }; `

instead be

let meetingStart =${ meetingStartHour.padStart(2,"0") }:${ meetingStartMinutes }; let meetingEnd =${ String(meetingEndHour).padStart(2, "0") }:${ String(meetingEndMinutes) };

because even if the meetingEndMinutes was a single digit you wouldn't want to pad with a leading zero?

getify commented 4 years ago

All clocks I've ever seen pad the minutes, so it looks like 4:02pm instead of 4:2pm.

Padding the start hour is optional depending on context -- here I use it to ensure that times are always normalized to an equal length of digits, so that the relative comparison operators work correctly -- but padding the minutes is almost always the expected thing.