getify / You-Dont-Know-JS

A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
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Chapter 1, "Building on Metaphors" section edits #31

Closed bmacdonald-editor closed 10 years ago

bmacdonald-editor commented 10 years ago

The link to the image isn’t working. Also, I don’t know if the “building” metaphor works for me. It implies that global scope is built “on top of” the nested scopes, which doesn’t quite fit, because that implies you couldn’t remove the nested scopes without affecting the global. I think a metaphor like a matryoshka doll may work better.

getify commented 10 years ago

I've tried to clarify the building metaphor a bit, but it's just one of several used (including the bubbles and the nested russian dolls). It's actually an important metaphor contrast used in the next title, discussing this and [[Prototype]].