getindiekit / indiekit

The little Node.js server with all the parts needed to publish content to your personal website and share it on social networks.
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Multi-tenancy #308

Open gerwitz opened 3 years ago

gerwitz commented 3 years ago

Do you have any plans or interest in supporting multiple sites on a single instance?

(If it's not obvious, I kinda want to retire and replace it with indiekit before picking development back up again.)

paulrobertlloyd commented 3 years ago

Ha, guess the shoe is on the other foot now! 😉

I did think about this earlier on, but decided to reduce the complexity to make the app easier to develop and more likely to ship. Not opposed to adding this in the future, however.

MaybeThisIsRu commented 2 years ago

I'd be very interested in this. I've been thinking I want to make my static site starter kit a first-class citizen for Indiekit down the line. Essentially, a public server of Indiekit runs that with a few changes someone using a static site can plug into.

Now what Micropub client to recommend with this package...

paulrobertlloyd commented 2 years ago

Multi-tenancy is quite far off, and setting up a service to host multiple Micropub endpoints seems unlikely. But we’ll see, one step at a time!

paulrobertlloyd commented 1 year ago

If/when it comes to adding multi-tenancy support, it would make sense to add support for mp-destination, too.

gerwitz commented 1 year ago

Now I wonder if mp-destination would be a good way to designate "real" categories (since micropub categories are actually tags).

paulrobertlloyd commented 1 year ago

Okay, I’ll bite… what’s the difference between categories and tags? What are you currently trying to achieve, and how would mp-destination help?

(I’ve been thinking a bit about multi-tenancy, but deferring development until after I’ve launched 1.0)

gerwitz commented 1 year ago

I have a small number of categories like work, personal, and meta, which in some design iterations have been used for distinct feeds or index pages. This would map well to destinations.

Tags are, well, tags. Folksonomy-style. I have at least dozens of them and only use them to inform search and "posts like this" pivots.

(Even the Micropub documentation refers to categories as tags. This field has always been mis-named.)

paulrobertlloyd commented 1 month ago

Possibly in the realm of ‘giant hack’, but it’s now possible to add separate tags and categories (or any other type of token array) to posts thanks to the recent APIs added for customising post types.

Take a look at for how I’m currently handling this for my own website. I’m sure there could be a smarter way to enable this sort of customisation, but this has at least moved from ‘impossible’, to ‘possible, with some effort’.