getkirby-v2 / panel

This is the deprecated admin panel for Kirby v2.
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Remove empty panel-fields from .txt #983

Closed sebsel closed 3 years ago

sebsel commented 7 years ago

Maybe this is considered a feature, instead of a bug, and maybe it's already discussed, but I couldn't find it.

When a page containing empty fields is saved in the panel, the field-name remains in the .txt file, like:


I would like it if the field disappears, like with $page->update(['field' => null]);, it saves storage for when you have a lot of sometimes-used-but-mostly-unused fields.

lukasbestle commented 7 years ago

It depends on the field. Fields like headline or info don't write anything at all, it's just the fields that normally write something but are currently empty.

So the difference is a return value of null vs. an empty string. I think we should keep this distinction in case there are any other supported storage systems in the future.

sebsel commented 7 years ago

This is just mentioned on the forums here.

lukasbestle commented 7 years ago

I do think that I understood you correctly. But there is still a distinction between null and an empty string.

I think it doesn't really make sense to store a lot of "optional" fields/page settings in fields anyway. It's probably better to store these in a single field in a YAML structure. Of course you would currently need to write a custom field for that.

We will keep this in mind, but right now this is a feature, not a bug.

sebsel commented 7 years ago

Well, every post on my website ( is type entry. An entry with just text is a note, an entry with a photo is a photo and an entry with a checkin-field is a checkin. This is the way IndieWeb's h-entry works and thus also the way a Micropub request works. It made sense to let the fields just flow into the KirbyData .txt file.

But, that does mean I have a little list of fields that are not always there. Only 'published' and 'updated' are always filled, but even 'text' is empty for likes. I am not arguing that you should support my specific case, because I am fine with not using the panel, but this is the reason why I don't use it.

I see the difference between'' and null, which is what I am using to keep those fields gone. I'm just saying that it's a waist of disk space to write them out like that. But you can file that one on KirbyData too, if you want. :)

public function postType() {
  if($this->has('in_reply_to') and $this->has('text')
  and mb_strlen($this->text()->value()) < 10
  and Emoji\is_single_emoji($this->text()->value()))
                                return 'reacji';
  if($this->has('like_of'))     return 'like';
  if($this->has('bookmark_of')) return 'bookmark';
  if($this->has('tag_of'))      return 'tag';
  if($this->has('repost_of'))   return 'repost';
  if($this->has('read_of'))     return 'read';
  if($this->has('watch_of'))    return 'watch';
  and $this->has('photo'))      return 'photo-checkin';
  if($this->has('checkin'))     return 'checkin';
  if($this->has('invitee'))     return 'invitation';
  if($this->has('rsvp'))        return 'rsvp';
  if($this->has('in_reply_to')) return 'reply';
  if($this->type() == 'event')  return 'event';
  if($this->type() == 'review') return 'review';
  if($this->has('wrote'))       return 'wrote';
  if($this->has('video'))       return 'video';
  if($this->has('photo'))       return 'photo';
  if($this->has('name'))        return 'article';
  if($this->has('text'))        return 'note';
  return 'entry';
lukasbestle commented 7 years ago

Hm, but you don't have to use the same template for all of your h-entrys, do you? You can decide which template to use based on the Micropub request. Each blueprint then only needs the fields it uses.