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Field plugin: support own validators #276

Open hdodov opened 5 years ago

hdodov commented 5 years ago

As far as I've seen from native fields, they can specify validations and use any of the native validators (but not custom ones). However, it's likely that a custom field would require its own validation.

My proposal is to turn the validations option in an associative array and allow developers to specify anonymous functions for validation. For example:

Kirby::plugin('me/plugin', [
  'fields' => [
    'myfield' => [
      'validations' => [
        // Allow custom validators...
        'myvalidator' => function ($value) {
          return $value === 'foobar';

        // But also native ones.
        'max' => true,
        'min' => true

Or perhaps add a new extension type, fieldValidators where you specify your validation functions, while the validations option still accepts only the names.

distantnative commented 5 years ago

Could you try if it works like that for you (without array keys)?

Kirby::plugin('me/plugin', [
  'fields' => [
    'myfield' => [
      'validations' => [
        // Allow custom validators...
        function ($value) {
          return $value === 'foobar';

        // But also native ones.
hdodov commented 5 years ago

Nope, it throws an error:

Function name must be a string

It's why I added them as key-value pairs in my proposal.