getkirby / ideas

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`$pages->grand{Status}Children()` #346

Open afbora opened 5 years ago

afbora commented 5 years ago

How about adding methods that get only children of listed/unlisted children? Something like that:

public function grandListedChildren()
    return $this->children()->listed()->children();

public function grandUnlistedChildren()
    return $this->children()->unlisted()->children();

For example

lukasbestle commented 5 years ago

We'd also need the following functions to complete the list:

I think it gets very specific and will blow up our source code by quite much.

If you need those shortcuts in your projects, you can however create page methods in a plugin that will then be available from every part of your code.

afbora commented 5 years ago

I understand very well 👍

I think one of the most important features of Kirby is that it can easily access and manage resources/elements/collections.