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Structure field: `blueprint()` method for `StructureObject` #358

Open hdodov opened 5 years ago

hdodov commented 5 years ago

I'm writing a Walker class that allows you to recursively walk over a Model's fields, resolving structures in the process. The Site, Page, and File classes all have a blueprint() method, but entries in a Structure (StructureObject instances) don't.

I get that this is probably due to structures not having their own blueprint file, but it still makes sense to have a blueprint() method. After all, a structure entry is like a nested Model.

Let's say I have this page blueprint:

title: Page
    type: textarea
    label: Content
    type: pages
    multiple: false
    type: structure
        type: files
        multiple: false
        type: text

I would be great if:

$page->blueprint()->fields(); // [text, child, items]
$page->child()->toPage()->blueprint()->fields(); // [...]
$page->items()->toStructure()->blueprint()->fields(); // [icon, name]

foreach ($page->items()->toStructure() as $entry) {
    $entry->blueprint(); // [icon, name]

It makes sense to have blueprints for Structure and StructureObject classes. Also, notice how the pages and structure fields would have identical APIs.

texnixe commented 5 years ago

how page fields

The page field does not exists, the field is called pages.

foreach ($page->items()->toStructure() as $entry) { $entry->blueprint(); // [icon, name] }

IMO, that loop doesn't make sense, it would return the same stuff over and over again, because a structure field always has the same fields.

hdodov commented 5 years ago

Oops, yes, edited my comment above to pages.

IMO, that loop doesn't make sense, it would return the same stuff over and over again, because a structure field always has the same fields.

That's my point kind of. If you pass $entry in other functions, you can call $entry->blueprint()->fields() and know what data to expect in that structure entry. Otherwise, you need to store the page blueprints, extract the structure blueprint's fields and pass it along with the entry:

$fieldsBlueprint = $page->blueprint()->fields();
$structureEntryBlueprint = $fieldsBlueprint['items']['fields'] ?? null;

foreach ($page->items()->toStructure() as $entry) {
  doSomethingWith($entry, $structureEntryBlueprint);

As opposed to simply:

foreach ($page->items()->toStructure() as $entry) {
  doSomethingWith($entry); // get the blueprint from within the function

Passing along the blueprints as an argument is unnecessary pollution. But the big problem is that the Site, Page and File have a blueprint() method, while StructureObject doesn't. This means that if you want to create a function that processes models recursively, you have to handle occurrences of StructureObject separately and pass blueprints in the arguments, while the other classes don't need that.

This is a snippet from a class I'm making:

 * Recursively walks over a Model.
 * @param Kirby\Cms\Model $model
 * @param array|null $blueprint used for models without a blueprint() method
 * like StructureObject
 * @return array|null
public function walk(Model $model, array $blueprint = null)
    if (!$blueprint) {
        $blueprint = $model->blueprint()->fields();

    $data = null;
    $content = $model->content($this->settings['language']);

    foreach ($blueprint as $key => $fieldBlueprint) {
        $field = $content->$key();
        $fieldData = $this->walkField($fieldBlueprint, $field);

        if ($fieldData !== null) {
            $data[$key] = $fieldData;

    return $data;

In the walkField method, I call walk when the field is of type structure, so recursion occurs.

While it works fine, the whole $blueprints part is kind of ugly. My whole idea with this issue is to unify the API so you can handle recursion easier.