getkirby / ideas

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`I18n::translateCount()`: format numbers based on the locale #474

Closed neildaniels closed 3 years ago

neildaniels commented 4 years ago

Currently, I18n::translateCount() merely sticks in an integer in place of the translation string. This is okay, but seems primitive for numbers >= 1000.

For example, There are 1,234 issues. looks much more natural than There are 1234 issues..

The translateCount() function should do this sort of formatting (probably via number_format()).

It should also take into account the current Kirby language/locale to ensure proper formatting. For example, in French the thousands separator would be a space, so it would be something like Il y a 1 234 problèmes.

The localeconv() function might be helpful here to pull the correct thousands separator.

neildaniels commented 4 years ago

Actually, the NumberFormatter class seems the easier to use.

$formatter = new NumberFormatter($kirby->language()->locale(LC_NUMERIC), NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
echo $formatter->format(1234);
lukasbestle commented 3 years ago