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gRPC Support #390

Open ghostdogpr opened 3 months ago

ghostdogpr commented 3 months ago

Support for protobuf and gRPC would drive adoption (at least for me).

It's definitely not easy as it involves code generation but maybe could be used like it is for zio-grpc and fs2-grpc.

There is currently the option of using zio-grpc with the zio interop but its performance is not great to start with ( so there might be an opportunity to shine.

He-Pin commented 3 months ago

Yes, looking forward to it, grpc_bench is a great place to show .

fwbrasil commented 3 months ago

/bounty $200

algora-pbc[bot] commented 3 months ago

💎 $200 bounty • Kyo

Steps to solve:

  1. Start working: Comment /attempt #390 with your implementation plan
  2. Submit work: Create a pull request including /claim #390 in the PR body to claim the bounty
  3. Receive payment: 100% of the bounty is received 2-5 days post-reward. Make sure you are eligible for payouts

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Attempt Started (GMT+0) Solution
🟢 @steinybot May 30, 2024, 12:31:58 PM WIP
steinybot commented 3 months ago

/attempt #390

I've had a little look at this.

The code generation will take a little while but there is enough documentation and prior art that it should be easy enough once we know what it should look like.

I tried a naive implementation:

package com.example.helloworld

import io.grpc.*
import io.grpc.examples.helloworld.helloworld.*
import io.grpc.stub.{ServerCalls, StreamObserver}
import kyo.*

import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.chaining.*

type Grpcs >: Grpcs.Effects <: Grpcs.Effects

object Grpcs:
  type Effects = Fibers & Aborts[StatusException]

  def init[T: Flat](v: => T < Grpcs): Fiber[T] < IOs =
    def pendingFibers: Try[T] < Fibers =[StatusException].apply[StatusException, T, Fibers, StatusException, Any](v).map(_.toTry)

    val pendingIOs: Fiber[Try[T]] < IOs = Fibers.init(pendingFibers), Fiber.value)))

  def run[T: Flat](v: Fiber[T] < IOs): Fiber[T] =

trait KyoGreeter:
  def sayHello(request: HelloRequest): HelloReply < Grpcs

object GreeterService extends KyoGreeter:
  override def sayHello(request: HelloRequest): HelloReply < Grpcs =
    for {
      _ <-"Got request: $request"))
    } yield HelloReply(s"Hello, ${}")

object HelloWorldServer extends KyoApp:

  private def buildGreeterService(serviceImpl: KyoGreeter): ServerServiceDefinition =
        // TODO: When to use a different type of call?
        // TODO: Is there any kind of backpressure or do these closures keep building up?
        ServerCalls.asyncUnaryCall((request: HelloRequest, observer: StreamObserver[HelloReply]) => {
          val fiber =
 { reply =>

  private def buildServer(port: Int, services: Seq[ServerServiceDefinition]): Server =
    val builder = services.foldLeft(ServerBuilder.forPort(port))(_.addService(_))

     * Allow customization of the Executor with two environment variables:
     * <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>JVM_EXECUTOR_TYPE: direct, workStealing, single, fixed, cached</li>
     * <li>GRPC_SERVER_CPUS: integer value.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * The number of Executor Threads will default to the number of
     * availableProcessors(). Only the workStealing and fixed executors will use
     * this value.
    val threads = System.getenv("GRPC_SERVER_CPUS")
    var i_threads = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors
    if (threads != null && !threads.isEmpty) i_threads = threads.toInt
    val value = System.getenv.getOrDefault("JVM_EXECUTOR_TYPE", "workStealing")
    val builderWithExecutor = value match {
      case "direct" => builder.directExecutor
      case "single" => builder.executor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor)
      case "fixed" => builder.executor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(i_threads))
      case "workStealing" => builder.executor(Executors.newWorkStealingPool(i_threads))
      case "cached" => builder.executor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool)

  private val port: Int = 50051

  private val services = Seq(

  run {
    for {
      // TODO: Get the shutdown working properly.
      _ <- Consoles.println(s"Server is running on port $port. Press Ctrl-C to stop.")
      server <- Resources.acquireRelease(IOs(buildServer(port, services).start())) { (server: Server) =>"Shutting down...")))
        // TODO: Add a timeout.
      _ <- Fibers.sleep(Duration.Infinity)
    } yield {

end HelloWorldServer

It didn't perform too great which is not that surprising:

| name                        |   req/s |   avg. latency |        90 % in |        95 % in |        99 % in | avg. cpu |   avg. memory |
| scala_akka                  |   23998 |       31.39 ms |       81.50 ms |       88.65 ms |      102.31 ms |   52.49% |    216.35 MiB |
| scala_pekko                 |   23810 |       32.40 ms |       82.83 ms |       90.08 ms |      102.21 ms |   44.11% |    190.85 MiB |
| scala_fs2                   |   23270 |       34.14 ms |       79.12 ms |       86.97 ms |      105.47 ms |   81.39% |    241.85 MiB |
| scala_kyo                   |   20744 |       40.89 ms |       85.64 ms |       98.11 ms |      178.73 ms |   81.58% |     244.2 MiB |
| scala_zio                   |   19573 |       43.24 ms |       89.10 ms |      103.96 ms |      200.26 ms |  101.32% |    249.95 MiB |
Benchmark Execution Parameters:
160be4a Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:18:16 +0200 GitHub Update sbt-assembly to 2.2.0 (#446)
- GRPC_GHZ_TAG=0.114.0
| name                        |   req/s |   avg. latency |        90 % in |        95 % in |        99 % in | avg. cpu |   avg. memory |
| scala_akka                  |   55639 |       14.39 ms |       50.75 ms |       62.50 ms |       92.22 ms |   96.89% |    241.54 MiB |
| scala_pekko                 |   55609 |       14.59 ms |       52.69 ms |       62.66 ms |       84.92 ms |   96.83% |    258.92 MiB |
| scala_fs2                   |   44931 |       19.97 ms |       58.33 ms |       67.13 ms |       91.93 ms |   99.48% |    261.63 MiB |
| scala_zio                   |   34658 |       26.98 ms |       67.05 ms |       77.79 ms |      164.29 ms |   98.73% |    336.51 MiB |
| scala_kyo                   |   33819 |       27.80 ms |       67.40 ms |       77.69 ms |      149.42 ms |   99.02% |    308.01 MiB |
Benchmark Execution Parameters:
160be4a Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:18:16 +0200 GitHub Update sbt-assembly to 2.2.0 (#446)
- GRPC_GHZ_TAG=0.114.0

Anything obviously wrong with this?

steinybot commented 2 months ago

This is still a WIP. I made some good progress on the code gen side of things. I haven't had much time in the last 2 weeks. I hope to get back to this in a week or so.

steinybot commented 1 month ago

Not sure what I changed but after implementing it as a library it is now significantly slower:

| name                        |   req/s |   avg. latency |        90 % in |        95 % in |        99 % in | avg. cpu |   avg. memory |
| scala_zio                   |   31949 |       29.93 ms |       66.57 ms |       76.40 ms |      132.59 ms |   100.5% |    315.89 MiB |
| scala_kyo                   |    7056 |      140.20 ms |      214.61 ms |      502.63 ms |         1.39 s |  101.77% |    333.34 MiB |
DamianReeves commented 1 day ago

Any updates on this front?

steinybot commented 1 day ago

I haven't managed to dig into the performance issues. I created some benchmarks but that is as far as I got. I'm in the middle of merging the new core changes in.

Unfortunately I'm unexpectedly out of a job so I actually have less free time while I apply for jobs and do interviews etc. Happy to share what I have done and split the bounty if you want to help out.