getlago / lago-go-client

Lago Go Client
MIT License
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[BUG]: func (*Customer.Request) Create Failing With 422 Error Code #106

Closed c-nv-s closed 1 year ago

c-nv-s commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug The Create Customer function is constantly failing with 422 error code I have also noticed that it doesn't seem to be executing the same sql as when the equivalent curl command is used to create a customer. Also not that if fails regardless of whether setting sync or sync_with_provider to true.

To Reproduce

example go code (you will note that the go code shown at does not work because the Metadata value is incorrectly formatted, and also the VatRate field is missing a comma at the end of the line)

    lagoClient := lago.New().                                                                                                     

var theCustomerMetadataArray = []lago.CustomerMetadataInput{lago.CustomerMetadataInput{ Key: "coolkey", Value: "coolvalue", DisplayInInvoice: true,},} 

customerInput := &lago.CustomerInput{
      ExternalID:              "7ce34fa7-c6ef-48ca-968c-a367bcdc4477",                                                                             
      Name:                    "otra cool customer",                                                                                      
      Email:                   "",
      AddressLine1:            "Address Line 1",                   
      AddressLine2:            "Address Line 2",                   
      City:                    "Paris",   
      Country:                 "France",                                                                                               
      Currency:                "EUR",                                                                                                  
      State:                   "Paris",
      Zipcode:                 "75001",
      LegalName:               "Get dis",
      LegalNumber:             "654321",
      TaxIdentificationNumber: "EU987654321",
      Phone:                   "+330100000000",
      Timezone:                "Europe/Paris",
      URL:                     "",
      Metadata: theCustomerMetadataArray,
      BillingConfiguration: lago.CustomerBillingConfigurationInput{ 
        InvoiceGracePeriod: 3,
        PaymentProvider: lago.PaymentProviderStripe,
        Sync: true,
        SyncWithProvider: true,
        DocumentLocale: "en",

var theError *lago.Error                   
        theContext := context.Background()
    customer, theError := lagoClient.Customer().Create(theContext, customerInput)                                                                                                                             

produces example sql log (notice that no stripe customer creation task/job is first created as seen in the subsequent curl example)

INFO -- : [3bd84174-4a93-4230-b684-0d3b5ee104de] {"method":"POST","path":"/api/v1/customers","format":"json","controller":"Api::V1::CustomersController","action":"create","status":422,"duration":752.39,"view":2.06,"db":268.5,"ddsource":"ruby","params":{"customer":{"external_id":"7ce34fa7-c6ef-48ca-968c-a367bcdc4477","name":"otra cool customer","email":"","address_line1":"Address Line 1","address_line2":"Address Line 2","city":"Paris","zipcode":"75001","state":"Paris","country":"France","legal_name":"Get dis","legal_number":"654321","tax_identification_number":"EU987654321","phone":"+330100000000","url":"","currency":"EUR","timezone":"Europe/Paris","metadata":[{"key":"coolkey","value":"coolvalue","display_in_invoice":true}],"billing_configuration":{"invoice_grace_period":3,"payment_provider":"stripe","document_locale":"en"}}},"sql_queries":"'Organization Load (3.1) SELECT \"organizations\".* FROM \"organizations\" WHERE \"organizations\".\"api_key\" = $1 LIMIT $2\nMembership Load (4.74) SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" WHERE \"memberships\".\"organization_id\" = $1 ORDER BY \"memberships\".\"created_at\" ASC LIMIT $2\nCustomer Load (6.95) SELECT \"customers\".* FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"customers\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL AND \"customers\".\"organization_id\" = $1 AND \"customers\".\"external_id\" = $2 LIMIT $3\nTRANSACTION (0.84) BEGIN\nCustomer Exists? (2.25) SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"customers\".\"external_id\" = $1 AND \"customers\".\"organization_id\" = $2 AND \"customers\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL LIMIT $3\nTRANSACTION (1.28) COMMIT'","sql_queries_count":6}

example curl command

 curl --location --request POST "$LAGO_URL/api/v1/customers" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{                                                                                                                            "customer": {                                                                                                                            "external_id": "7eb02857-a71e-4ea2-bcf9-57d3a41bc6ba",                                                                                 "address_line1": "5230 Penfield Ave",                                                                                                  "address_line2": "",                                                                                                                   "city": "Woodland Hills",                                                                                                              "country": "US",                                                                                                                       "currency": "USD",                                                                                                                     "email": "dinesh@piedpiper.test",
      "legal_name": "Coleman-Blair",
      "legal_number": "49-008-2965",
      "tax_identification_number": "EU123456789",
      "logo_url": "",
      "name": "Gavin Belson",
      "phone": "1-171-883-3711 x245",
      "state": "CA",
      "timezone": "Europe/Paris", 
      "url": "",
      "zipcode": "91364",
      "billing_configuration": {
        "invoice_grace_period": 3,
        "payment_provider": "stripe",
        "sync": true,
        "sync_with_provider": true,
        "document_locale": "en",  
        "vat_rate": 12.5
      "metadata": [
          "key": "Purchase Order",
          "value": "123456789",   
          "display_in_invoice": true

produces the following sql in the logs (notice the stripe customer creation job is also created first as well as the difference in sql)

I, [2023-07-11T00:05:39.220454 #11]  INFO -- : [67ae8abf-d8b3-4247-8acc-dee92ef1650c] [ActiveJob] [PaymentProviderCustomers::StripeCrea
teJob] [009a9b28-77b7-4eb1-935d-3e258f63e0cc] [membership/d5a1e22a-e234-4b8b-a95b-3a2cb66001d4] Performing PaymentProviderCustomers::St
ripeCreateJob (Job ID: 009a9b28-77b7-4eb1-935d-3e258f63e0cc) from Sidekiq(providers) enqueued at  with arguments: #<GlobalID:0x00007fb2
e5960d80 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://lago-api/PaymentProviderCustomers::StripeCustomer/68ef831e-1f1f-4935-a2fe-da6961cba3fe>>

I, [2023-07-11T00:05:39.979603 #11]  INFO -- : [67ae8abf-d8b3-4247-8acc-dee92ef1650c] [ActiveJob] [PaymentProviderCustomers::StripeCrea
teJob] [009a9b28-77b7-4eb1-935d-3e258f63e0cc] [membership/d5a1e22a-e234-4b8b-a95b-3a2cb66001d4] [membership/d5a1e22a-e234-4b8b-a95b-3a2
cb66001d4] Sidekiq 7.0.8 connecting to Redis with options {:size=>5, :pool_name=>"internal", :url=>"redis://redis:6379", :pool_timeout=

I, [2023-07-11T00:05:39.998027 #11]  INFO -- : [67ae8abf-d8b3-4247-8acc-dee92ef1650c] [ActiveJob] [PaymentProviderCustomers::StripeCrea
teJob] [009a9b28-77b7-4eb1-935d-3e258f63e0cc] [membership/d5a1e22a-e234-4b8b-a95b-3a2cb66001d4] [membership/d5a1e22a-e234-4b8b-a95b-3a2
cb66001d4] Enqueued PaymentProviderCustomers::StripeCheckoutUrlJob (Job ID: ffea9083-5913-41bb-b27e-b1c84b08f52c) to Sidekiq(providers)
 with arguments: #<GlobalID:0x00007fb2e580ae68 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://lago-api/PaymentProviderCustomers::StripeCustomer/68ef831e-1f1f-49

I, [2023-07-11T00:05:39.998613 #11]  INFO -- : [67ae8abf-d8b3-4247-8acc-dee92ef1650c] [ActiveJob] [PaymentProviderCustomers::StripeCrea
teJob] [009a9b28-77b7-4eb1-935d-3e258f63e0cc] [membership/d5a1e22a-e234-4b8b-a95b-3a2cb66001d4] Performed PaymentProviderCustomers::Str
ipeCreateJob (Job ID: 009a9b28-77b7-4eb1-935d-3e258f63e0cc) from Sidekiq(providers) in 778.82ms
I, [2023-07-11T00:05:40.009565 #11]  INFO -- : [67ae8abf-d8b3-4247-8acc-dee92ef1650c] [ActiveJob] [membership/d5a1e22a-e234-4b8b-a95b-3
a2cb66001d4] Enqueued SegmentTrackJob (Job ID: 660dea74-7afd-43e0-8a22-f1b3907f86e3) to Sidekiq(default) with arguments: {:membership_i
d=>"membership/d5a1e22a-e234-4b8b-a95b-3a2cb66001d4", :event=>"customer_created", :properties=>{:customer_id=>"5734238d-c086-4678-aaca-
c92f71d58636", :created_at=>Tue, 11 Jul 2023 00:05:38.551691000 UTC +00:00, :payment_provider=>"stripe", :organization_id=>"91886c78-fe

I, [2023-07-11T00:05:40.018760 #11]  INFO -- : [67ae8abf-d8b3-4247-8acc-dee92ef1650c] {"method":"POST","path":"/api/v1/customers","form
ce":"ruby","params":{"customer":{"external_id":"7eb02857-a71e-4ea2-bcf9-57d3a41bc6ba","address_line1":"5230 Penfield Ave","address_line
2":"","city":"Woodland Hills","country":"US","currency":"USD","email":"dinesh@piedpiper.test","legal_name":"Coleman-Blair","legal_numbe
r":"49-008-2965","tax_identification_number":"EU123456789","logo_url":"","name":"Gavin Belson","phone":"1-171-
883-3711 x245","state":"CA","timezone":"Europe/Paris","url":"","zipcode":"91364","billing_configuration":{"invoice_grac
":"Purchase Order","value":"123456789","display_in_invoice":true}]}},"sql_queries":"'Organization Load (2.03) SELECT \"organizations\".
* FROM \"organizations\" WHERE \"organizations\".\"api_key\" = $1 LIMIT $2\nMembership Load (8.93) SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memb
erships\" WHERE \"memberships\".\"organization_id\" = $1 ORDER BY \"memberships\".\"created_at\" ASC LIMIT $2\nCustomer Load (1.39) SEL
ECT \"customers\".* FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"customers\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL AND \"customers\".\"organization_id\" = $1 AND \"cust
omers\".\"external_id\" = $2 LIMIT $3\nTRANSACTION (0.48) BEGIN\nCustomer Exists? (1.44) SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"cus
tomers\".\"external_id\" = $1 AND \"customers\".\"organization_id\" = $2 AND \"customers\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL LIMIT $3\n (1.13) SEL
ECT pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(1394491257,0) AS t54a442a1d8bb8a76ce2788d06b48ee5b /* customer_lock */\nCustomer Pluck (1.25) SELECT \"cu
stomers\".\"sequential_id\" FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"customers\".\"organization_id\" = $1 AND \"customers\".\"sequential_id\" IS NOT 
NULL ORDER BY \"customers\".\"sequential_id\" DESC LIMIT $2\nCustomer Exists? (1.33) SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"custome
rs\".\"organization_id\" = $1 AND \"customers\".\"sequential_id\" = $2 LIMIT $3\nCustomer Create (43.2) INSERT INTO \"customers\" (\"ex
ternal_id\", \"name\", \"organization_id\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\", \"country\", \"address_line1\", \"address_line2\", \"state\
", \"zipcode\", \"email\", \"city\", \"url\", \"phone\", \"logo_url\", \"legal_name\", \"legal_number\", \"vat_rate\", \"payment_provid
er\", \"slug\", \"sequential_id\", \"currency\", \"invoice_grace_period\", \"timezone\", \"deleted_at\", \"document_locale\", \"tax_ide
ntification_number\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23,
 $24, $25, $26, $27) RETURNING \"id\"\nPaperTrail::Version Create (48.44) INSERT INTO \"versions\" (\"item_type\", \"item_id\", \"event
\", \"whodunnit\", \"object\", \"object_changes\", \"created_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) RETURNING \"id\"\nPaperTrail::Ve
rsion Count (2.44) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"versions\" WHERE \"versions\".\"item_type\" = $1 AND \"versions\".\"item_id\" = $2 AND \"vers
ions\".\"event\" != $3\nCustomer Exists? (1.6) SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"customers\".\"external_id\" = $1 AND \"custom
ers\".\"id\" != $2 AND \"customers\".\"organization_id\" = $3 AND \"customers\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL LIMIT $4\nMetadata::CustomerMeta
data Exists? (3.0) SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"customer_metadata\" WHERE \"customer_metadata\".\"key\" = $1 AND \"customer_metadata\".\"cust
omer_id\" = $2 LIMIT $3\nMetadata::CustomerMetadata Create (2.06) INSERT INTO \"customer_metadata\" (\"customer_id\", \"key\", \"value\
", \"display_in_invoice\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING \"id\"\nTRANSACTION (46.97) COMMIT
\nTRANSACTION (0.71) BEGIN\nCustomer Exists? (1.48) SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"customers\".\"external_id\" = $1 AND \"c
ustomers\".\"id\" != $2 AND \"customers\".\"organization_id\" = $3 AND \"customers\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL LIMIT $4\nCustomer Update (
2.11) UPDATE \"customers\" SET \"updated_at\" = $1, \"vat_rate\" = $2, \"payment_provider\" = $3, \"document_locale\" = $4 WHERE \"cust
omers\".\"id\" = $5\nPaperTrail::Version Create (93.1) INSERT INTO \"versions\" (\"item_type\", \"item_id\", \"event\", \"whodunnit\", 
\"object\", \"object_changes\", \"created_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) RETURNING \"id\"\nPaperTrail::Version Count (2.09)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"versions\" WHERE \"versions\".\"item_type\" = $1 AND \"versions\".\"item_id\" = $2 AND \"versions\".\"event\" !=
 $3\nTRANSACTION (23.92) COMMIT\nPaymentProviders::StripeProvider Load (1.83) SELECT \"payment_providers\".* FROM \"payment_providers\"
 WHERE \"payment_providers\".\"type\" = $1 AND \"payment_providers\".\"organization_id\" = $2 LIMIT $3\nPaymentProviderCustomers::Strip
eCustomer Load (2.56) SELECT \"payment_provider_customers\".* FROM \"payment_provider_customers\" WHERE \"payment_provider_customers\".
\"type\" = $1 AND \"payment_provider_customers\".\"customer_id\" = $2 AND \"payment_provider_customers\".\"payment_provider_id\" = $3 L
IMIT $4\nTRANSACTION (9.23) BEGIN\nCustomer Load (1.09) SELECT \"customers\".* FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"customers\".\"deleted_at\" IS
 NULL AND \"customers\".\"id\" = $1 LIMIT $2\nPaymentProviderCustomers::BaseCustomer Exists? (6.23) SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"payment_prov
ider_customers\" WHERE \"payment_provider_customers\".\"customer_id\" = $1 AND \"payment_provider_customers\".\"type\" = $2 LIMIT $3\nP
aymentProviderCustomers::StripeCustomer Create (2.23) INSERT INTO \"payment_provider_customers\" (\"customer_id\", \"payment_provider_i
d\", \"type\", \"provider_customer_id\", \"settings\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) RETURNING \"
id\"\nTRANSACTION (60.5) COMMIT\nOrganization Load (1.31) SELECT \"organizations\".* FROM \"organizations\" WHERE \"organizations\".\"i
d\" = $1 LIMIT $2\nPaymentProviders::StripeProvider Load (1.33) SELECT \"payment_providers\".* FROM \"payment_providers\" WHERE \"payme
nt_providers\".\"type\" = $1 AND \"payment_providers\".\"organization_id\" = $2 LIMIT $3\nTRANSACTION (0.95) BEGIN\nPaymentProviderCust
omers::BaseCustomer Exists? (3.53) SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"payment_provider_customers\" WHERE \"payment_provider_customers\".\"customer_
id\" = $1 AND \"payment_provider_customers\".\"id\" != $2 AND \"payment_provider_customers\".\"type\" = $3 LIMIT $4\nPaymentProviderCus
tomers::StripeCustomer Update (1.69) UPDATE \"payment_provider_customers\" SET \"provider_customer_id\" = $1, \"updated_at\" = $2 WHERE
 \"payment_provider_customers\".\"id\" = $3\nTRANSACTION (41.21) COMMIT\nTRANSACTION (0.55) BEGIN\nCustomer Exists? (1.08) SELECT 1 AS 
one FROM \"customers\" WHERE \"customers\".\"external_id\" = $1 AND \"customers\".\"id\" != $2 AND \"customers\".\"organization_id\" = 
$3 AND \"customers\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL LIMIT $4\nTRANSACTION (0.72) COMMIT\nPaymentProviderCustomers::StripeCustomer Load (0.77) S
ELECT \"payment_provider_customers\".* FROM \"payment_provider_customers\" WHERE \"payment_provider_customers\".\"type\" = $1 AND \"pay
ment_provider_customers\".\"customer_id\" = $2 LIMIT $3\nMetadata::CustomerMetadata Load (0.81) SELECT \"customer_metadata\".* FROM \"c
ustomer_metadata\" WHERE \"customer_metadata\".\"customer_id\" = $1'","sql_queries_count":39}

Expected behavior The customer should be created in both lago and stripe as is the case when using a curl request


Additional context Not sure if it makes a difference but when checking the differences in the http requests between the go client and curl. the go client has headers Accept: application/json, Accept-Encoding: gzip whereas curl just uses Accept: */* with no specified Encoding preference either

vincent-pochet commented 1 year ago

Hello @c-nv-s

The 422 response from the backend means there is a validation error with the provided data.

By looking at the sample you provider, it seems to be because the API is expecting the Country to be an ISO 3166 (alpha-2) and not a country name. You can see it in our API documentation:

The error from the service should contain the reason for the 422. We will investigate on it to make ensure error response are clear.

c-nv-s commented 1 year ago

you are correct that the format of the country was wrong, however the actual lago.Error was empty/nil so I couldn't even determine what was causing the issue :-(

vincent-pochet commented 1 year ago

Indeed, the current implementation of the error handling does not match the format of the error sent by the API.

A fix for this problem has just been opened at It will probably be part of the next release

I'm closing this issue as it is "fixed"