getlantern / firetweet

FireTweet for Android powered by Lantern
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Mitigate delay when user favorites a tweet #131

Open atavism opened 9 years ago

atavism commented 9 years ago

We only receive an update about a favorited tweet after several seconds which is really undesirable.

atavism commented 9 years ago

I might just take a look at this since I'm already familiar with the code unless you've already started on it, @uaalto

uaalto commented 9 years ago

Yes, if it's urgent is better that you take this one. I'm currently finishing the Lantern PI project. Plus, unfortunately the weird bug just reappeared and it totally disables developing at all since it segfaults the app at launch. The VirtualBox image is able to reproduce it. I have no clue at the moment, but I'm trying to finish the other project before I dive into the Firetweet code because this bug seems to go deep.

atavism commented 9 years ago

Fix for this here: