getlantern / firetweet

FireTweet for Android powered by Lantern
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Add autotweet checkbox to sign in screen #135

Closed atavism closed 9 years ago

atavism commented 9 years ago


This resolves

Asking for a few clarifications so don't merge just yet.

atavism commented 9 years ago

That isn't really being explicit about what the checkbox is for. I'd rather state in clear terms what the app intends to do on your behalf so that the user can opt out of it. But @Derekf5 what string do you think we should use here?

Derekf5 commented 9 years ago

Hey @atavism I think the design looks good. But the text and checkbox could maybe be the same color white as the rest of the elements on the page. as for the copy i think it should say "Autotweet: Share FireTweet with your friends"

I think that this clearly lets users know, but also encourages them to help by sharing, thoughts?

atavism commented 9 years ago

Yeah, the inclusion of "Autotweet" works. This is what it looks like now:
