getlantern / firetweet

FireTweet for Android powered by Lantern
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Getting "An error occurred: Please try again later" when using "sign up with twitter" in sign in screen and couldn't use sign in screen again #152

Open sunshine19090 opened 8 years ago

sunshine19090 commented 8 years ago


  1. Click on Sign In
  2. Click on Sign Up with Twitter.
  3. Register a new account by following the steps using email.

After registering, I am getting the message "An error occurred: Please try again later". Once I get this message, I couldn't sign in with any other account too as the sign in screen itself is not loading. I keep getting the message when I use Sign In.

wayou commented 8 years ago

same here. but after several tries the problem is gone.

KuhnPan commented 8 years ago

@wayou how did you get pass of it, Sign in page keep loading and getting the message "An error occurred: Please try again later". I've tried several times but same issue. I also tried to open a VPN tools and then run this app, same issue too. Any ideas for all of us, @sheena3 @xiam

KuhnPan commented 8 years ago

I've passed this issue by the following steps:

  1. reboot cellphone
  2. run VPN
  3. run firetweet should be caused by DNS poisoning or others
linsonxie commented 8 years ago
