starting from the predicate that our image exists (from ECR or docker hub), can we imagine a constructor that would take as argument the name of the image and, optionally, the cpu, the ram and the number of occurrences (etc. ?) and that would return as output the associated public ip :
service: my-app
name: aws
- serverless-lift
# Include Lift constructs here
type: ecs
image: 'gotenberg' # from Docker hub for example
we could also specify a security group to complete the whole
I think supporting ECS is out of the scope of serverless applications, and so out of Lift itself. But this is a perfect use case for custom constructs (#52).
Hi all,
starting from the predicate that our image exists (from ECR or docker hub), can we imagine a constructor that would take as argument the name of the image and, optionally, the cpu, the ram and the number of occurrences (etc. ?) and that would return as output the associated public ip :
we could also specify a security group to complete the whole