getlogbook / logbook

A cool logging replacement for Python.
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Issue #274: Fixed TimedRotatingFileHandler rotation #275

Closed dusktreader closed 6 years ago

dusktreader commented 6 years ago

Adjusted the rotation logic of the TimedRotatingFileHandler so that if the timed_filename_for_current flag is set and if there is already an existing file with the basename when the handler opens, The existing file is rotated to a name whose timestamp matches the last modified date of the file

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-0.05%) to 77.251% when pulling 25c33f7c85a9ac595c08ed5adbcf79a59b5b6870 on dusktreader:274-timed-rotating-file-handler-not-rotating-correctly into e32a1792c47b21171602e72b7c07eadc1d00a454 on getlogbook:develop.

dusktreader commented 6 years ago

Adressing test failures for pypy and 2.7.

dusktreader commented 6 years ago

Ok, looks like test failures are addressed, but the test coverage decresed

dusktreader commented 6 years ago

Looking at the coverage report, I don't see that my changes should have reduced coverage. Surely seems like the coverage should have increased.

vmalloc commented 6 years ago

Yeah, seems like a measurement error. I'm merging anyways. Thanks for your contribution!