getlogbook / logbook

A cool logging replacement for Python.
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New Release With ContextVars Support #294

Closed iwoloschin closed 5 years ago

iwoloschin commented 5 years ago

Is there any chance that a new release (1.5?) could be cut including #290 now that it's merged? If not, is there a roadmap for additional items that must be completed before release (aka, what can I do to help)?


vmalloc commented 5 years ago

I will release one today. However I have no time to actually test it in real use, so I'd appreciate help in spotting possible regressions

iwoloschin commented 5 years ago

Thanks! I did one very brief test that worked fine, with both threadbound and contextbound logging, but it's hardly a fully regression test suite.

iwoloschin commented 5 years ago

I think the release may have overwritten the 1.4.3 release? Also, the source tarball wasn't upgraded (which I believe I need as I'm installing into an Alpine container).

vmalloc commented 5 years ago

I don't know about the 1.4.3 tag being overwritten -- I was the one who released it AFAIR and I didn't change the tag locally...

About the sdist, I think there is a problem with pypi deployment on Travis. I moved several repos of mine to use twine instead of travis deploy which is crap, but I don't have time to do it for Logbook as well right now. I'm uploading the release manually, and hopefully will get to fix the automated deployment soon. Sorry for the hassle...

vmalloc commented 5 years ago

Ok, I think I understand what happened here... I'm going to have to re-release 1.4.3 to fix it

vmalloc commented 5 years ago

Hopefully everything should be fine now. I fixed the Travis deployment debacle, deleted the bad 1.4.3 release and released 1.5.2 which should be good. Unfortunately one cannot re-upload a past release so I released 1.4.4 to replace 1.4.3 in the 1.4.x release line... Let me know if there are still issues needing attention. Thanks!