getminera / minera

Minera is a web interface to monitor and manage mining devices
372 stars 156 forks source link

uninstall script #230

Closed a3igner closed 2 years ago

a3igner commented 6 years ago

Can you please create an uninstall script or show a method on the main page how to uninstall everything related to minera?

ghost commented 5 years ago

I was wondering the same, Im manually searching around to "clean up"

Googling a "uninstall script" gave me nothing.

I just wanted to monitor my old ASIC but this Crypto world have turned into a Gold Rush with no regards of reality.

I hope it calms down and good projects prevails.

michelem09 commented 5 years ago

This is open source project, just check the install script and with a bit of reverse engineering you got your uninstall script. If you wanna contribute then I will be very glad to add it to the code. Thanks