getminera / minera

Minera is a web interface to monitor and manage mining devices
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terminal from mineral takes me to pi@raspberrypi$ #233

Closed dralibak closed 6 years ago

dralibak commented 6 years ago

I can't get to Minera login at the terminal. It keep takes me to raspberry $
can't do ssh to minera@ip address ... it says connection refused.

but I am able to go to minera directory and do stuff. I just can't copy from another directory to inside minera as it says no permission ..

how do I get to login of minera from terminal if I can't access it via minera web page! and why can't I?

trying to install vthoang gekko 2pac version of cgminer for custom cgminer in raspberry pi 3

michelem09 commented 6 years ago

This is not a Minera issue, this is something related to your specific setup. Use the Minera image to install it and it will work.