getminera / minera

Minera is a web interface to monitor and manage mining devices
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Mod for ubuntu 18.04 #241

Closed nwalmethule closed 5 years ago

nwalmethule commented 5 years ago

Hello, I trying to adapt the environment ubuntu 18.04 to run the script. The main issue is the mandatory php7.0 for this distro, but everything is temporary, because the package installed will be unistalled is some issues happen on the system. The correct way should be adapt the script for php 7.2. Sadly I work on an VPS SSD server already purchased and I need carry the mod. If the authors can work on the script I will be very happy.

Best regards.

michelem09 commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for the pull request, but I can't merge this because you changed a lot of default stuff for Minera with your custom changes (like pools, password, ads, etc...). This is more a fork than a pull request. We can do something for Ubuntu 18.04 but we have to keep everything else like the original repo.