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get_field_name_str_view() doesn't work with clang on windows #56

Closed grandseiken closed 5 months ago

grandseiken commented 5 months ago

The following snippet fails to compile under clang-cl version 17.0.6 and Visual Studio 17.8.5 with /std:c++latest.

#include <rfl.hpp>

struct test {
  bool x;
  bool y;

void f() {
  for (const auto& f : rfl::fields<test>()) {}

The same snippet compiles successfully when building with the microsoft compiler, or if I remove one of the fields in the struct.

The compilation error seems to be some sort of static_assert about duplicate string literals:

In file included from tools/
In file included from external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include\rfl.hpp:12:
In file included from external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/Attribute.hpp:10:
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/Literal.hpp(295,17): error: static assertion failed due to requirement '!has_duplicates()': Duplicate strings are not allowed in a Literal.
  295 |   static_assert(!has_duplicates(),
      |                 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/internal/../internal/get_field_names.hpp(97,15): note: in instantiation of template class 'rfl::Literal<internal::StringLiteral<22>{{{103, 101, 116, 95, 102, 105, 101, 108, 100, 95, ...}}}, internal::StringLiteral<22>{{{103, 101, 116, 95, 102, 105, 101, 108, 100, 95, ...}}}>' requested here
   97 |   return rfl::Literal<_names1..., _names2...>::template from_value<0>();
      |               ^
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/internal/../internal/get_field_names.hpp(105,12): note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'rfl::internal::concat_two_literals<internal::StringLiteral<22>{{{103, 101, 116, 95, 102, 105, 101, 108, 100, 95, ...}}}, internal::StringLiteral<22>{{{103, 101, 116, 95, 102, 105, 101, 108, 100, 95, ...}}}>' requested here
  105 |     return concat_two_literals(_head, concat_literals(_tail...));
      |            ^
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/internal/../internal/get_field_names.hpp(127,14): note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'rfl::internal::concat_literals<rfl::Literal<internal::StringLiteral<22>{{{103, 101, 116, 95, 102, 105, 101, 108, 100, 95, ...}}}>, rfl::Literal<internal::StringLiteral<22>{{{103, 101, 116, 95, 102, 105, 101, 108, 100, 95, ...}}}>>' requested here
  127 |       return concat_literals(
      |              ^
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/internal/../internal/get_field_names.hpp(138,12): note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'rfl::internal::get_field_names()::(anonymous class)::operator()<0ULL, 1ULL>' requested here
  138 |     return get(std::make_index_sequence<num_fields<T>>());
      |            ^
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/internal/../field_names_t.hpp(14,24): note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'rfl::internal::get_field_names<test>' requested here
   14 |     decltype(internal::get_field_names<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>)>::type;
      |                        ^
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/internal/../internal/to_ptr_named_tuple.hpp(68,29): note: in instantiation of template type alias 'field_names_t' requested here
   68 |     using FieldNames = rfl::field_names_t<T>;
      |                             ^
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/internal/../internal/ptr_named_tuple_t.hpp(16,42): note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'rfl::internal::to_ptr_named_tuple<test>' requested here
   16 |     typename std::invoke_result<decltype(to_ptr_named_tuple<T>), T>::type;
      |                                          ^
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/internal/../named_tuple_t.hpp(39,1): note: in instantiation of template type alias 'ptr_named_tuple_t' requested here
   39 | using named_tuple_t =
      | ^
external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/fields.hpp(12,36): note: in instantiation of template type alias 'named_tuple_t' requested here
   12 |   return internal::get_meta_fields<named_tuple_t<T>>();
      |                                    ^
tools/,29): note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'rfl::fields<test>' requested here
    9 |   for (const auto& f : rfl::fields<test>()) {}
liuzicheng1987 commented 5 months ago

Hi, @grandseiken, thanks for opening the issue.

I can't reproduce the issue using Ubuntu clang version 17.0.6. When I try to compile your code snippet, it compiles just fine.

The clue is in this line, though:

external/_main~_repo_rules~reflect_cpp/include/rfl/internal/../internal/get_field_names.hpp(97,15): note: in instantiation of template class 'rfl::Literal<internal::StringLiteral<22>{{{103, 101, 116, 95, 102, 105, 101, 108, 100, 95, ...}}}, internal::StringLiteral<22>{{{103, 101, 116, 95, 102, 105, 101, 108, 100, 95, ...}}}>' requested here

The ASCII strings 103, 101, 116, 95, 102, 105, 101, 108, 100, 95, ... translate to getfield...

I am fairly certain that for some reason get_field_names_str_view is not doing what it is supposed to be doing. The function can be found in here:

The question is why...we have rigorously tested this on clang and MSVC and I cannot reproduce the error. What is your OS? Can you think of anything that might be different on your machine?

liuzicheng1987 commented 5 months ago

I am also a bit said it compiles with "the microsoft compiler", but not Visual Studio 17.8.5? Isn't Visual Studio 17.8.5 by Microsoft? Could you clarify that?

grandseiken commented 5 months ago

clang-cl is a compiler driver which allows building with clang on Windows while using the microsoft standard library. it's (afaik) the easiest way to build with clang on windows.

Have you tried building with clang on windows at all?

I tried fixing it myself, but it seems the method you're using to get field names might just not work under clang-cl. I'm not sure if I'm invoking the function in exactly the same way as the library does, but the following program only prints get_field_name_str_view, i.e. it seems the template arguments are not included in the function_name() of std::source_location.

#include <iostream>
#include <source_location>
#include <string_view>
struct test {};

template <class T, auto ptr>
consteval auto get_field_name_str_view() {
  const auto func_name =
  return func_name;

const int y = 0;
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  constexpr const int* x = &y;
  std::cout << get_field_name_str_view<test, x>() << '\n';
  return 0;
grandseiken commented 5 months ago

I just checked and I get the same result building with the standard windows clang++.exe 17.0.6 downloaded from the LLVM releases page, so I think the problem is not exclusive to clang-cl, rather clang on windows generally.

grandseiken commented 5 months ago

It seems that __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ does work as expected in the above test, i.e. I get auto get_field_name_str_view() [T = test, ptr = &y] as (presumably) expected.

I can put up a PR to use that instead when __clang__ and _MSC_VER are both defined, if you'd be willing to accept it? I know the docs say "Standard C++ only, no compiler-specific macros", but as far as I see the implementation of get_field_name_str_view and similar functions is already not really standard C++ by depending on the exact format of implementation-defined strings.

liuzicheng1987 commented 5 months ago

Yes, I would accept the PR. Thank you so much for flagging this and for coming up with a fix.