getnamo / SocketIOClient-Unreal

Socket.IO client plugin for the Unreal Engine.
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Plugin does not build with strict includes #419

Open knapsu opened 4 months ago

knapsu commented 4 months ago

Plugin fails to build when strict include checks are enabled. This can be easily tested with UAT command

.\RunUAT.bat BuildPlugin -Plugin="{workspacePath}\Engine\Plugins\SocketIOClient\SocketIOClient.uplugin" -StrictIncludes -Package="{workspacePath}\LocalBuilds"

What -StrictIncludes does is adding -DisableUnity -NoPCH -NoSharedPCH to UBT when compiling. This ensures that each code file has all the needed includes and therefore is of a good quality on that side.

Will create a pull request that fixes some of the issues.

knapsu commented 4 months ago

Pull request created. This is a partial fix because there is still a thing with sio_socket.h that I was unable to solve.

getnamo commented 4 months ago

Good idea, thanks for getting the PR done; merged the includes update.