getnamo / SocketIOClient-Unreal

Socket.IO client plugin for the Unreal Engine.
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Cannot connect to SocketIO server #425

Open t0msk opened 3 months ago

t0msk commented 3 months ago


I use Unreal Engine 5.3.2 on Linux, this is my Blueprint graph for connection:


TL;DR I have Persistent level where is SocketIO actor placed, so I can access it from everywhere, as you can see I just take ref from Persistent level, access SocketIO component and call Connect with params.

Problem is that my server doesn't register any connection, but when I use some SocketIO testing tool like:

and I set settings like: image

It will connect from that SocketIO testing tool, but not from UE, even when params are the same.

My SocketIO server is written in Rust, it looks like:

fn on_connect(socket: SocketRef, Data(data): Data<Value>) {
    info!("Socket.IO connected: {:?} {:?}", socket.ns(),;
    println!("Socket.IO connected: {:?} {:?}", socket.ns(),;
    socket.emit("auth", data).ok();

        |socket: SocketRef, Data::<Value>(data), Bin(bin)| {
            info!("Received event: {:?} {:?}", data, bin);
            println!("Received event: {:?} {:?}", data, bin);
            socket.bin(bin).emit("message-back", data).ok();

        |Data::<Value>(data), ack: AckSender, Bin(bin)| {
            info!("Received event: {:?} {:?}", data, bin);
            println!("Received event: {:?} {:?}", data, bin);

    io.ns("/", on_connect);

    let app = axum::Router::new()
        .route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, World!" }))
        .route("/login", post(login))
                .layer(CorsLayer::permissive()) // Enable CORS policy

For Rust I use this SocketIO server implementation:

getnamo commented 3 months ago

Do you disable auto-connect on component to ensure it connects with params instead at your bp call time?