getnamo / TensorFlow-Unreal-Examples

Drag and drop Unreal Engine TensorFlow examples repository.
MIT License
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Packaging Problem #17

Open MarcelBock opened 5 years ago

MarcelBock commented 5 years ago

Hello again,

So, I downloaded the newest version of the tensorflow-ue4-examples and the plugin you have linked (Version 0.9.0). I downloaded Unreal Engine v.4.20.3. Then I tried to follow these instructions: I can build the project in "Developer Editor" mode, but when I am switching to "Developer" mode I get the following building errors:

errors (I am using Visual Studio 2017, same errors in 2015)

Can you help me with that? Have I done something wrong? Did I forgot to install something? If I cannot build it, I cannot package it, correct?

Hope you can help me. Thank you in advance! Best regards Marcel

getnamo commented 5 years ago

use this release: and try again. Packaging has just been mostly fixed. You may need to delete site-packages before you package and copy those over manually but it will package now.

MarcelBock commented 5 years ago

I tried the 0.9.3 version, but I got the same errors trying to build in "Developer" mode. What do you mean by "delete site-packages"? Do you mean the socketIO-client folder in the Plugin folder? Because I do not use any packages than your plugin.

getnamo commented 5 years ago

I uploaded a new version of examples (0.4.1) and tensorflow release. Please use the v0.10.1 plugin release, if you get errors this time, consider posting the build logs found in saved folder.

Site-packages are found at {project root}/Plugins/UnrealEnginePython/Binaries/Win64/Lib/site-packages. This folder contains pip installed python dependencies. To ensure a clean slate delete that folder and clean your build (deleting the intermediate folder) and then rebuild for your chosen target. Without cleaning the build process may still reference old objects and give old errors.

MarcelBock commented 5 years ago

Okay, thank you. Will give it a try tomorrow, do not have time today. After I tried it with the new version, I will report back.

MarcelBock commented 5 years ago

So, I tried building and packaging. Both worked fine this time (with 0.4.1 and 0.10.1). But when I start the .exe of the packaged project the example will not start to train the network and no pictures of the training data are displayed. I attach the output-log of the unreal engine for the packaging: OutputLog.txt In line 379 "UnrealEngine\UE_4.20\Engine\Source\TensorFlow\Public' does not exist".

I attached the output of the .exe as well: TensorFlowExamples.log

getnamo commented 5 years ago

On first run in a packaged setup it will reinstall pip and pull the dependencies. From your log I can see it successfully did this. All you should need to do now is run the example a second time. Another option is to keep an eye on the packaged log and when you see the dependencies installed, reload the map (open mnist).

Note that you should be able to move the packaged project with all dependencies once they've installed in the packages project, but there will be a bit of a delay on first run in a new location as the system reinstalls pip, but it won't need to reinstall dependencies. Any runs after that will load quickly.

getnamo commented 5 years ago

added some of these clarifications to the readme: