getnamo / TensorFlow-Unreal

TensorFlow plugin for the Unreal Engine.
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can ue4.18.3 use v0.13.0 for UE4.22 with all dependencies met #50

Open vxgu86 opened 4 years ago

vxgu86 commented 4 years ago

can ue4.18.3 use v0.13.0 for UE4.22 with UnrealEnginePython plugin dependency updated to 1.9.0 Socketio-client-ue4 plugin dependency update to 1.0.0 TensorFlow default updated to 1.12.0. Requires h5py to be 2.7.0.

cause I found v0.7.0 for UE4.18 is a bit older

getnamo commented 4 years ago

The unreal engine python plugin will likely have a lot of breaking changes, so I'd say likely no. You should be able to use a different pip tensorflow though without larger issues, so just update your upymodule.json