getodk / briefcase

ODK Briefcase is a Java application for fetching and pushing forms and their contents. It helps make billions of data points from ODK portable. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨💼✨
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Export using CLI ok, but freezes / hangs using GUI (Key too long?) #899

Open joeflack4 opened 3 years ago

joeflack4 commented 3 years ago

Software versions

Briefcase v1.18

Problem description

Pulling forms works, but when exporting, ODK Briefcase appears to hang / freeze / continue operating indefinitely (2+ hrs) without any message.

Steps to reproduce the problem

I don't think this can be reproduced without the user's exact environment, including the form they're using. But, the steps would be:

  1. Open Briefcase
  2. Have pulled forms previously
  3. Open 'Export' tab
  4. Click 'Export' button

Expected behavior

Exports a CSV file at the ODK Briefcase .jar location, in the storage folder, or somewhere. Or at least seeing a message of success or error.

Other information

I looked around for other similar issues, but the similar-sounding issues that I pulled up weren't exactly like this one.

One of my colleagues reported that she had pulled forms from ODK Aggregate without issue, but when she tried to export, ODK Briefcase appeared to continue operating indefinitely (2+ hours before she closed it), without any updates as to progress / success / error.

We met today for a troubleshooting session. We looked through her ODK Briefcase folder to check if the CSV was there (it did not appear to be). I looked at the form instances she pulled, and they didn't look unusual. She tried exporting using the GUI, and after a few minutes of no apparent progress, we gave up and tried the CLI. It completed successfully within a few seconds, and we were able to see the resulting CSV file.

We looked at the logs as well (attached). To me, it looked as if there was a warning, but that Briefcase had otherwise appeared to have reported success, which was weird.

I did notice that there was an 'onSuccess' warning, caused by the following exception.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key too long: build_Community-Phase-II-GPS-Collection_1608751196_pull_source_aggregate_username

This and the other error details is all that I found that looked suspicious.

I'm thinking that either (a) the export didn't work, or (b) the export worked, but we just missed seeing the original CSV file from the other day she was running this when we were looking for it, and perhaps the real issue is just that ODK Briefcase never reported success due to this error. Either of these are an issue in and of themselves, in any case.
