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This other issue https://github.com/getodk/central/issues/682 captured the main cases of force-applying submissions held in the backlog. An update could be applied without the right base version, and an update about a non-existent entity that appeared to be created offline could be applied as a create.
These didn't cover the case where a missing offline create comes in after an update was force-applied as a create. In this case, we need to apply the create as an update.
This other issue https://github.com/getodk/central/issues/682 captured the main cases of force-applying submissions held in the backlog. An update could be applied without the right base version, and an update about a non-existent entity that appeared to be created offline could be applied as a create.
These didn't cover the case where a missing offline create comes in after an update was force-applied as a create. In this case, we need to apply the create as an update.