getodk / collect

ODK Collect is an Android app for filling out forms. It's been used to collect billions of data points in challenging environments around the world. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨📋✨
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Up to three different progress indicators can be shown sequentially at form load #6111

Open lognaturel opened 1 month ago

lognaturel commented 1 month ago

ODK Collect version

Android version


Device used

Galaxy A13

Problem description

We now provide more indication of progress which is good. However, it's displayed differently for different actions and those can stack.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Launch a form that has an attached CSV which it queries. For example:

This is made worse by having offline entities enabled in that version.

Here is a one-question form on the store version (2024.1.3):

Expected behavior

One progress indicator.