getodk / web-forms

ODK Web Forms enables form filling and submission editing of ODK forms in a web browser. It's coming soon! ✨
Apache License 2.0
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Define API for embedding in host application #20

Open lognaturel opened 4 months ago

lognaturel commented 4 months ago

User story

As the developer of an application I want to embed one or more ODK Web Forms so that users of my application can use a rendered form from a form definition and other settings


Early brainstorming ## Possible options - Javascript function (similar to [Enketo Core]( - Vue component (similar to [JSONForms Vue binding]( - Web Component (similar-ish to [Fore]( but we'd expose a single component representing an entire form; possibly related to [entire Fore form as Web Component]( @sadiqkhoja points out [here]( that Vue recommends [exporting Vue components]( ## Questions - How important is it that it's framework-agnostic? If the initial reaction of possible adopters is that it's very Vue-focused, it could limit its reach (but maybe that's ok or even good) - Does the host application need to know anything about errors or is that a responsibility of Web Forms?
sadiqkhoja commented 4 months ago

Since primary target host is vue application, we can export it as Vue Component Library as a first step, later on based on demand we can export it as Web Component as well.

Vue documentation encourages use of Vue components for enhanced capabilities

eyelidlessness commented 4 months ago

How much are we thinking about web components at all (versus how much are they really just strawman examples in the issues opened so far)? It's an interesting idea, but one we haven't discussed much. I'm asking here, but it's the odd specificity of language in #23 that has me wondering.

lognaturel commented 4 months ago

odd specificity of language in that has me wondering

That's because I did a quick Web Components refresher to see what the likely idiomatic approach would be and wanted to have a brief record of it! You all should be able to edit these issues and add other notes or even shape them differently.

How much are we thinking about web components at all

It's been on my mind because I've been thinking about a way to be able to present this as relatively host-agnostic. I worry slightly that if the interface doesn't appear generic (e.g. it's Vue-specific), it will be dismissed right away by folks who don't use Central.

sadiqkhoja commented 2 months ago

How to use @odk-web-forms/ui-vue in Central

  1. Import @odk-web-forms/ui-vue as npm package in central-frontend from the file system
  2. Install the exported plugin by adding app.use(ThemePlugin) in container.js
  3. Add the exported component anywhere in the application: <OdkWebForm :form-xml="" @submit="handleSubmit" />
sadiqkhoja commented 2 months ago

Configurations I would like to see as a consumer of ODK Web Form in my host application:

lognaturel commented 2 months ago

It feels like there are likely to be two common modes: one in which ODK Web Forms provides a "container" with language selection, print, title, etc and one in which the host application is responsible for its own container. The events you've outlined fit into that world in that they're the interface a host application can use to define their own container.

I think it would be simpler if we could have some sort of container/no container binary instead of selectively opting in or out of each one. Does that seem like it could meet the needs we know of?

sadiqkhoja commented 2 months ago

I like the idea of container/no container option

lognaturel commented 2 weeks ago

@sadiqkhoja if it's ok with you I'd like to move this epic out of any milestone since we won't address it all at once. We can update the top issue to link to any related work that does get slotted in.